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noun ~ having cautious distrust


I found Molly hoarding food at the buffet. She greeted me with a wide, bread-filled smile. She passed me a large plate when I approached and, much like a mother hen, began piling food on top of it. I had to break away from her in fear of her giving me the entire table.

My mind was still hazy about what happened in his office. The proximity, blood sharing, the kiss, and to top it off, he was leaving for a month. He's only just started talking to me and now he's going again!

My brain hurts.

My wolf huffed in agreement.

"So, what did Alpha want?" Molly eyed me suspiciously.

I rolled my eyes. "He joined me... to the p-pack."

She paused, and without a second thought; I felt her mind pressing against mine. She cheered a laugh before shoving more macaroni into her mouth.

"How did I not even realise?" She spoke through her food.

I grimaced. "Maybe you were too...distracted?"

She gave me a playful glare. "And you? That's twice you've sneaked off today and both times you come back smelling too strongly of Alpha."

My eyes widened. I realised that being in his presence alone with only a pack bond would not make me smell this bad, so for her to pick up was concerning who else could.

"I d-do not."

"You sure do." Another voice quipped in.

I turned to glare at Sean. The only person who knew my secret was surely loving the tease.

"Right!" Molly gaped, rolling her eyes. "You sure you and Alpha haven't got a thing going on?"

I was no doubt blushing, my heart racing in my chest. "N-n-no!"

She eyed me. "Are you lying to me, Sherbet? Alpha doesn't let just anyone join this pack."

I seemed to imitate a fish, my mouth opening and closing, but no words falling from them.

"It's Alpha or my brother, so which is it?" She smirked, her teasing setting me into an anxious frenzy.

"Ah come on now Molly, enough messing with her. She's gone bright red." Sean nudged her. "Besides, Alpha has an announcement. He'll be here any minute."

Molly shrugged and gave me a you-won't-get-away-with-this look. I sank into my seat and buried my hands in my hair. How was I going to get out of this one now?

I continued to eat, trying to eat the mountainous pile on my plate before the announcement.

As if on cue, Phoenix's deep monotone voice ran through the pack mind link. One thing I hated about them was your alpha could overpower any mental block.

We were all asked to meet out on the front steps and I dragged myself along beside Molly. Sean stood at my back, a place I often found him. When I questioned him about it, he says it was because I'm to be his luna he feels it's natural to protect my back.

To be his luna.

Like that was gonna happen.

I didn't realise we had stopped when Sean gave me a gentle push from behind. I glanced up at him in confusion before noticing his attention was ahead. The whole pack seemed to have gathered. Being a weekend, no one was at school or at work. Now they were all together, I could see how many wolves there actually were.

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