"You know you can't swear, no man will like that." He smirked.

"Fine. I'll continue to swear then you asshole." You disobeyed him, making him turn sour almost instantly.

"Crucio!" He yelled, the spell hit you making you collapse with immense pain to the floor.

You didn't want to show him that you were slowly giving up, so you laid taking in the punishment like normal. This time he didn't stop so soon, he was sat enjoying watching you squirm from the torture.

"Rodger please stop." Your mother came in and begged.

"How many times do I have to tell you woman, keep out my business if you know what's good for yourself." He warned. You could see your mother flinched, but tried to release you.

"Rodger, please. If you keep going like this she won't even be able to stand at the ball, let alone dance." She was somewhat smiling, he released you of the curse.

"Stand up." He stated. You had to lay still for a little bit, letting the isolated tears fall and the pain practically pass over.

You finally were able to stand. Your legs felt as through they were ready to give up any second, you were tired, hungry and in pain that you couldn't explain to anyone.

Your father clicked his fingers as a woman came in, she looked quite scared and as though she didn't want to be in this situation. She had a measuring tape draping off her shoulder and a small pouched bag with multiple types of dark fabrics inside.

"Miss Micheal?" She nodded to your fathers word, "I want you to make her a dress, before Christmas. I need it to be luxurious and make her stand out over anyone else." He sent her to work.

You looked down on her while standing on the small platform. She took out her measuring tape and took measurements of your height, just size, hip size, waist size and arm size.

"Is there a certain colour you want?" She asked.

"Uh-" you began thinking but were stopped in your tracks.

"Black. She will have black. I want it dark but opulent." Your father interjected, taking a sip of his drink.

She took out some of the black fabrics from her pouch and laid them out on the table in front of your father. He moved some and selected multiple black silk fabrics, along with some black mesh and black lace. You stayed standing and felt yourself ready to breakdown. It really hit you in that moment, that your own father was willing to send you off with a random man after kidnapping you off of the street, without even comprehending your word about it.

"I need to go to the bathroom." You said, stopping yourself from crying.

"Cole, take her." One of the guards took ahold of you harshly, practically dragging your limp legs to the nearest bathroom.

All of the men in the manor now disliked you more than before, knowing that you could indeed take power over any of them. But what was the point there was no escaping this time.

He chucked you into the bathroom and closed the door. You limped over to the sink and looked at yourself in the mirror. You hated the person you saw. She was weak, helpless and broken. Everything you tried so very hard to fix before.

You started to cry. Floods of tears drowning you entirely. You put your hand over your mouth to smother the sound of your breakdown. It was heartbreaking to see yourself in such a state, giving up the battle felt like one of the only options.

The guards began knocking on the door trying to hurry you up.

"Yes, just one minute!" You shouted back, wiping your eyes from the tears that soaked through your cheeks.

You flushed the chain of the toilet and splashed your face with cold water and walked out of the bathroom.

The man took your arm and took you back towards where tour father was. He was still talking with the designer as she sketched a dress idea for you.

"We can add the trail onto the bottom of the skirt, and from a lace cloak we can add." She was pointing out.

"Yes do that." Your father agreed.

She stood up with the tape measure and came over to you to measure the circumference of your neck.

You finched as she moved her hands to your neck, she looked really concerned.

She however did not act on her concern and looked down to your neck and took the measurement.

"Okay, that should be all the measurements I need, I'll contact you if I need anything else." She said packing up all her stuff.

"When will it be ready." Your father stood up, ready to guide her out.

"In just over a months time, before Christmas." She replied, creating a greater distance between herself and your father.

"And one more thing, you must not speak a word for who this dress is for. If you do you will ruin everything and I will have to ruin you." You father whispered close into her ear. She looked extremely scared and vulnerable flashing a sympathetic glance back at you before leaving.

"Of course sir." She bowed her head ever so slightly.

She left, the door slamming after her. You father came marching over to you, smiling.

"Look, don't say I don't do anything for you princess." He said walking closer.

"Oh yes, buying me a dress so you can give me to a random man.. how dearly kind of you." You scoffed, rolling your eyes.

"This whole thing isn't a pity party for you, I'm doing us all a favour and you need to realise that. Your stuck in this situation whether you like it or not, so I suggest you stop these pathetic tears-" he roughly wiped the old tears that fell after you left the bathroom, "and suck it up." He clicked his fingers again, making his guards come closer to you- ready to take you to your room.

"You won't get away with this, people are still looking for me!" You shouted as you were dragged further away from him, "you hear me? Your sick plan will never work!" You screamed as you were chucked behind the sealed tight door.

You stood up instantly after being thrown and began banging your fist on the door, screaming feeling yourself closer to crying.

You gave up, no one was going to let you out. You turned around and slid your body down against the door, crying into your hands frustrated at yourself and your lack of hope for actually escaping back to Fred.

"I need you freddie." You whispered to yourself through your tears.

Hey friends, how are you all?

Still missing Fred and y/n together like crazy!!! Don't forget to check out my Instagram @afredwsimp its my easiest way of interacting and getting to know you all x

Stay safe and well my loves,
-i <33

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