Chapter thirty seven

Comincia dall'inizio

Rinsing it carefully out of her hair , he spoke further "you're the type of girl that a man could write poetry about June . If I had the words I would write you a book." He told her .

Biting her lip to keep her from grinning like a fool , she tilted her head up against his shoulder to meet his honest eyes .

"I like it when you love me like this ." She mumbled feeling a restless stir in her stomach , unsure and not used to the sudden softness and easily flow that had settled between them over night .

It was as though as door had been opened , yet june couldn't help the feeling that she got that another door would never close again if she allowed herself to fall into this garden of tenderness .

She wondered briefly if she deserved it , as he laid gentle open mouthed kisses down her neck .

His left hand gliding like a feather up her stomach , up and down , circling around her navel and back again . A soothing rhythm that had her unable to stop herself from sagging against him , trusting the man behind her to hold her up .

Against her wishes her mind flashes back to syd , her friend who had become so much more over the recent months . The way they had touched was casual , no thought behind it , no hesitation or worries over what might happen afterwards.

There had been not one moment of awkwardness between them since the moment they had met. He had loyally listened to her rants and calmly echoed back his own well thought advice .

He had not once let her down . It had been so easily to fall into bed with him . It was fun , laughing between the sheets just like they always did . There was no heaviness to there actions , no regret that she thought she should feel.

It had all felt so easy, right almost .

Whereas her relationship with Jett had always been much more complex than that .

It was intense , it was the look in his eyes that followed her even when he wasn't there . There was a certain roughness between them that June had become accustomed to . A harsh pull of the line that she had began to crave.

The feeling between them ran much deeper than it did with Syd . She wasn't sure which was supposed to feel better . She couldn't even begin to compare the two of them for Syd was still a boy , not quite grown enough to know what she wanted .

Then there was Jett . Violate , strong , angry Jett who loved her like she had never been loved before .

He was harsh , he pushed and pulled but so did she . She was quick to admit that she did like the way he often threw her around . She liked the way he could speak to her without saying a single word .

She liked the way he held her tight , comforting her within his arms after he had been a little too rough with his hands .

She was not frightened of him , not like she should have been . She was more wary , curious to what he would do next .

In a perfect world she would like to keep the both of them without feeling like she was betraying the other .

Jett smiled against her skin as he ran his nose gently up the line of her jaw , rubbing the washcloth that smelled like roses and peaches over her back .

"I want to care for you everywhere . In every way ." He told her casually , his soapy hand kneading her backside .

Exhaling shakily as she felt his hand wander between her legs , his fingers rubbing back and forth lightly over her mound . Cleaning her .

"You can't always be there ." She stated the obvious , kissing his shoulder softly to take any sting out of her words .

Jett only frowned back at her , his lips twitching like he knew a joke that he wasn't willing to share with her .

Almost HonestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora