Chapter 3: Attraction pt2

Start from the beginning

"Pony, how do ya work your shower?!" Dallas called from upstairs, sounding a bit irritated.

"You just turn the knobs, and then pull the pin!" Ponyboy shouted up the stairs.

"Ha Ha, real funny, come show me!" he shouted back. Ponyboy sighed as he made his way up the stairs, finding it very unbelievable that an eighteen year old doesn't know how to work a shower.

'Maybe he really doesn't take showers.' Pony mused as he made it to the bathroom. "What were you having trouble with?" he asked the blond, leaning over the tub and turning the knob labeled with a big red H; spurting out water into the tub below. "You turn this knob," he said after doing so "Then you pull the little pin," Pony instructed as he pulled the silver pin in the faucet like part up; causing steamy, hot water to spew out of the shower head. "That should be good." Ponyboy said, more to himself than to Dally as he leaned back up, looking at Dally "Did you really need me to tell you that?" he asked. The older greaser gave him a sly smirk,

"No, just wanted ya to myself for a lil' bit." Dallas purred as he stroked the boy's temple as he brushed a lock of soft, auburn greased hair behind the young greaser's ear before kissing him lightly on the cheek. A blush quickly splashing its way across the boy's soft cheeks, bringing a smile to Pony's lips, his eyes averting to the floor in slight embarrassment.

"I-I'll go get some clothes from Darry's room" Pony said, stumbling a bit on his words, walking out of the room to his eldest brother's room. After rummaging around in the closet for a good while, he found some 'decent'- decent, as in Dally will wear them with out a complaint- clothing; a black muscle shirt, a new pair of underwear, a new pair of socks, and an old pair of somewhat worn out, faded, blue jeans. Making his way back to the bathroom with the bundle in his arms, opening the door with some difficulty do to the inability to use his hands. "Dally?" Pony asked, suddenly engulfed by steam as he stepped in, taking a few more steps in, placing the bundle on the closed toilet seat, and looking towards the shower when the water stopped.

"Could ya get me a towel, Pon?" the blond asked from behind the shower curtain.

Pony snatched a towel from the rack "Here ya go." he said, pressing the large cloth to the shower curtain for the older greaser. The curtain flung open, revealing a naked Dallas Winston.

"Thanks." Dallas said, completely unaware of Pony's staring as he dried himself off. "What?" he asked, finally noticing Pony's eyes on him. His voice snapping the young greaser out of a trance, and causing him to flush bright red.

"I, uh, um, sorry." Ponyboy squeaked. That made Dally chuckle; he never knew Ponyboy could squeak like a little mouse, it was rather cute.

"What for?" Dallas asked, a slight growl to his voice, his eyes flashing with lust - darkening in color. Dallas Reached out with his wet, hot hand, making the young greaser yelp in surprise when a hand grabbed a hold of the front of his pants, making Dallas smirk as he yanked Ponyboy through the shower curtain by his jeans, pinning him to the tiled wall by his wrists. Ponyboy couldn't stop his eyes from wandering over Dally's wet, defined, hard, muscular chest; staring in awe as water dripped off the body in front of him as if it were sculpted perfectly from marble with each flawless curve, bend and dip of rough skin littered with scars. His blush deepening as his eyes wandered down lower Dally's body. Before Pony could look any lower his head was tilted up suddenly, bringing his emerald eyes up to stare into icy sapphire; their faces inches apart. "Ya like what ya see?" he teased, making Pony blush even more.

'Oh man.' Ponyboy thought to himself as his heart pounded in his chest, thudding so loud and so fast he thought it might burst, his breath coming out in soft pants, his eyes flashing with slight fear and complete excitement when the blonde moved closer to him.

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