"Stop! Please stop! I won't do it again I promise!"

I screamed out as tears fell from my green eyes. I used my arms to protect my head and curled up onto the pavement.

"What that fucks your problem now? You never get this wimpy when we beat you. Tch stuipid fag. Cmon let's go Kaibara."

"Oh and one more thing. Don't even bother coming to school! I'd like to see you get in trouble at the orphanage. If you do decide to come to I'll beat you for weeks."

He turned towards the school and walked off with Kaibara. Guess I'm skipping today.

I just layed on the sidewalk for a bit. Just thinking. Everything in my life sucks, home at the orphanage sucks.. actually I can't even really call it home. I never want to go back.

Run away.

What? Who said that?

Me! Silly I'm the voice in your head. I know what's best for you!

Are you sure? Where would I go?

You'd be homeless again! You've done it before it's not that hard!

I guess you're right..

I sigh and finally stand up. Where should I even go? I can't stay around here cause people might look for me. Maybe another town? Oh ya I have the five bucks Kendo gave me! I'll take a bus.

I remembered where the closest bus stop was and I started walking.


I stop in front of the bus stop and check my watch..


Well the next bus comes at 9:00 so I'll just wait a bit.

I take my phone out and mindlessly scroll on social media.


I hear the bus come to a stop In front of me and I stand up. The doors automatically open and I step in.

"2 bucks." The driver lazily requests. I had him the 5 dollar bill and he hands me 3 one dollar bills back.

I make my way to the back and sit down. I'm really tired. Maybe I'll just take a little nap..


I wake up to the sound of rustling next to me. I look over and see a girl with pink hair and pink eye makeup.

"Heyo! Sorry didn't mean to wake you up hehe" she smiles at me.

"N-no worries.." I sit up a little more and look out the window.

"Well I couldn't help but notice all the bruises on your face! Here I have some bandages in my bag somewhere.." The girl starts to rummage through her coat pockets.

"Oh there's no need! I'm perfectly fine don't worry about me."

"No I insist! Aha here it is!" She pulls a bandaid out of her pocket and starts to unwrap the plastic protecting it.

"A-are you sure? I don't wanna be a burden.." I mumble a bit.

"Of course I'm sure! And you are not a burden I promise you. Oh whoops I guess I never told you my name, I'm Mina Ashido! Just call me Mina!" She smiled at me.

"Well thank you so much Mina! I'm Izuku Midorya."

She finishes taking the bandaid out of the wrapper and places it on my forehead.

"I wish I would help you clean the blood off but it I don't have anything to wipe it with. Sorry about that!"

"No worries you've already done more than enough! Thank you very much."


The bus comes to a stop and I know this is where I have to get off.

"Well it was nice meeting you Mina! Thanks again."

"Mhm! Nice meeting you too Izuku."

I walk to the front of the vehicle and step through the doors. Hopefully things start to get better!


By the way this is the Kaibara person that helped bully Izuku, he's someone from class 1b in the anime.

 By the way this is the Kaibara person that helped bully Izuku, he's someone from class 1b in the anime

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1172 words ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ


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