5|| Heard that before

Start from the beginning

All my amusement at his appearance suddenly faded into anxiety when I remember the scowling boy by the door that had refused to go home yet.

The car ride had been surprisingly... not awful.

Don't get me wrong, I was still too tense for it to be comfortable, but when Brett had slide in as well the whole angry halo he had when he practically force me to get in was almost gone. He actually tried to apologyze and erased the tension with a smirk and his usual jokes. I swear he was driving me crazy. One moment he's playful, the next he bullies me; one moment he's mad and angry, and the next he was back to his joker self. God, made up you're mind already! He need treatment.

And once he drop me and I went to bolt out and away, not wanting to push my luck and made mad Brett appear again; he got out as well and insisted in go with me. I panicked at him ruining my time here as well as everything else, but as Loui said, we were about to be late, and I couldn't afford to lose such a good chance as the one Dylan had get me here. So I prayed for the best and just let him come along.

"Oh, yeah." I coughed awkwardly, fiddling with the strand of the bag. "This is Brett. We, um, go to the same school."

The auburn grimaced at my words and rolled his eyes.

"Wow, Lys. That's deep." and outstratched his hand for the other to shake.

"Loui." my boss introduced himself, and then turned at me not even trying to hide his thoughts. Why bother? He's Loui after all. "Lys?" he rose one brow. "You never told de you got a nick name."

"That's because I don't."

"Oh, but they call you 'Lys'?"

"Nobody call me that."

"I call you that, Giggles." Brett's smirk was laced in his voice and Louis's jaw dropped.

"Giggles?! Well, well Miss Liar. Not only one but two. And here I am, calling you by your full name. Like if I'm some unimportant somebody!" he shook his head and I felt my cheeks flushing. "You should be ashamed."

"Loui please-"

"Mr. Louissiano for you."

Brett laughed and Loui high-fived him. High-fived him. Him. The gesture felt like a stab right on my guts. True, Loui didn't know who the boy really was but seeing them both teaming up to mess with me didn't sit me well. No, Loui, not you too. My hand fisted tightly around the camera hanging by my neck.

"Well, we got work to do, if you two are done."

And with that stormed out but kept hearing them chuckled in my back. I blinked when first tears burned my eyes. I knew my boss didn't mean anything bad but to joke a little, but it was Brett. My worst fear when I'd left the car was becoming true under my eyes. He would mess with me in the almost only safe place left I had.

The van was right in front of the Studio, the trunk opened with a couple bags in, proofing Loui had start packing it... Loui's style. I redid it properly adding the ones I was holding and slid in the passenger seat just as the guys left the Studio.

Much to my dismay, Loui encouraged Brett to tag along and help with the set up once we arribe. And to even add more cramps, he had to seat in the front of the van as well so I was practically sandwiched between them two. My lungs stop working from the moment the side of his thigh pressed mine. Was he for real? Well, it would be a looong ride.

I didn't said anything in the way to the meeting spot but they took it upon themselves to fill the silence with the effortless chat. For a couple social butterflies, it flued naturally and I couldn't help but to tense at how nice Brett was being. I could feel his stare on the side of my head every now and then and it made me more uneased. What was he doing? I still couldn't believe my boss allowed him to come to 'help with the bags'. Who in their right mind woud done that? And that Brett'd agreed!

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