For Crying Out Loud

Depuis le début

"Like a bitch, but whatever, no pain no gain, right?"

"Yes?" If it sounds like a question then it probably is. He lets out a whistle and I become anxious. "Matty, what is it?"

"Looks naughty," he tells me as his voice drops and he bends down to reach his mouth to my ears, "I like it."

"What is it?" I ask, more desperately this time. He tugs my pants up and ushers me off of him. "Matty?"

He grins and stretches getting out of bed. "Anna's room is nice," he comments off handedly, rubbing at his belly and walking towards the door.

I look up at him with wide eyes, "Matty, what's the tattoo?"

"Your lipstick stain is a work of art," he sings lightly, "got your name tattooed in an arrow heart..."

"Lipstick stain? Your name? In an arrow heart?" I question frantically, shuffling after him. I stumble lightly but follow after his smug self.

"Marcy and Matty not up yet?" I hear Jamie ask as we round out to the living room, walking towards the dining room. The place is actually clean and it stuns me momentarily.

"They're doing some bondage," George mutters, pulling me from my stupor.

"What?" Adam asks, nearly chocking on the cereal he had been eating.

"Uh...bonding. They were doing some bonding," George corrects and the closer I get the pinker his cheeks look.

"What's the tattoo?" I cry out, startling the lot of them.

Before Jamie can answer, Matty cuts him off, belting the rest of the words to 5 Seconds of Summer's, She Looks So Perfect: "And I know now, that I'm so down!" Anna and Jamie eye each other for a moment before ginning and launching into a Capella of the song. Adam rolls his eyes and Ross groans a bit. George is staring in confusion. I assume it's in the lyrics if they all seem to be joined in on the inside joke.

"I hate you all," I mutter plopping down on a seat, frowning when a pain jolts me.

"It's a lipstick stain," Adam tells me.

Matty groans, "Fuck off, Hann. You ruined our fun - how do you feel about yourself, now?"

Adam shrugs and I stick my tongue out. Anna hands me a bowl of cereal and two pills to help with the headache. Matty shoves George down and attempts to share the seat with him, as there are only six chairs and seven of us.

"So," I say lightly when the table has quieted down, "what happened last night?"

"Well," Anna says lightly, "No one's dead, so there's that." My phone goes off again and I groan wondering why it's so loud.

"Why do we all having matching tattoos?" Matty asks.

Jamie shrugs, "I don't know, I was drunk when I suggested it. You assholes were drunker so nobody stopped us."

"You're scared of a fucking plant," Matty chuckles. "Like an actual whole species of one specific plant."

Jamie glares, "Shut the fuck up, we're suppose to keep it to ourselves hence the tattoos - it was an oath you dick." Another chirp sounds and Jamie's anger turns to me, "I will burn your fucking phone, Marceline." I put my hands up in surrender and leave my seat, going back to Anna's room to find the source of the noise. I faintly hear Anna mumble something about fire being her thing, not his. I find my phone next to my dress on the floor and unlock it while walking back to my breakfast - brunch? According to my phone it's near three in the afternoon.

I note Matty has taken my seat so I opt to stand, but he grabs my hand, pulling me on to his laps, careful not to hurt my new tattoo.

"Why did you get an apartment?" Matty asks George through a mouthful of my cereal.

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