"What are you thinking about?", Draco asked, reentering the room and grabbing the salve.


"When did you get so smooth? I'm amazed you didn't get a girlfriend sooner."

"Maybe I wanted a boyfriend?"

Draco just shook his head in amusement.

"This is going to be cold, but I'm going to warm it up with my hands as best as I can."

"Do your worst."

"Oh don't tempt me darling. Do you want to do a test swatch somewhere first?"

Wordlessly, Harry held out his hand. Draco hissed when he saw the scar. Lightly grabbing it, Draco tenderly caressed his hand as he applied the salve.

"I don't know how much that one will fade. I'm sorry."

"If I breathed wrong she would give me a detention."

"Absolutely vile creature."

"That's an insult to creatures everywhere. I dunno how much you know about what Voldemort did and everything, but do you know she wore a horcrux for years? Right around her neck. Once I removed it, she didn't even change. That bloody locket was awful."

"I know more than most. I would eavesdrop and update everyone down in the cellar. I'm going to touch your back now okay?"

Harry made a noise of approval and Draco continued talking as he sat on the bed next to Harry.

"I still can't believe that was real life you know? I try not to think about it but it's hard when it's your whole life. Potter I think something in your back is misaligned, and you have a ton of knots and tension in your shoulders. It's okay to put the weight of the world down now."

Harry snorted.

"That's not surprising."

"I'm going to sit on your thighs and pop it back. It'll hurt at first, but I promise it'll feel better soon."

"I trust you."

As if Harry would ever turn that down. He was already getting a free back rub. He enjoyed Draco's close presence anyway.

Pleased, Draco had no qualms about getting this much closer to Harry. Truthfully, it made the whole process easier. The only bad part was Harry's groans.

"Potter if you don't stop my mother is going to think we're up to something", Draco hissed.

Harry needed to stop before Draco had a problem on his hands that he wouldn't be able to take care of.

"Sorry, I can't help it."

"Didn't peg you for a screamer."

"You haven't pegged me yet. Didn't think you were a top."


Draco's face was on fire, and Harry's shaking from his laughter was making things worse.

"You make it too easy sometimes sweetheart."

"The things I do for you", Draco muttered.

"Thank you", Harry replied softly.

"Yes, I'm the best I know. Now stop moving so I can finish or I am never doing this for you again."

"You should be honored I'm letting you get this close to me. No one else gets this privilege."

"Merlin, you talk to me so much you're starting to sound like me."

"Please, I've always been sassy and sarcastic. You just bring it out in me more."

Harry groaned as his back made an audible pop.

"Oh fuck me."

"I just might if you don't shut up", Draco muttered.

"What was that that?", Harry asked with a whimper.

He had heard Draco, he wanted to know how bold he truly was.

"You need to shut up."

"Cast a silencing charm then. Not my fault your hands are magic."

"Oh believe me they're more useful in other places", Draco purred.

"I bet so."

"Is that an invitation Potter?"

"Could be Malfoy."

Draco needed to stop because things were getting too hot to handle. Many lines had already been crossed, and Draco would soon be past the point of no return.

"Alright Scarhead you're done."

"Thanks Prince. I already feel a lot better. I could take a nap."

"You want to until it's time to wash the salve off?"

"It's okay. I'm here to spend time with you."

"Come here."

Harry crawled towards where Draco was laying down, and Draco positioned Harry's head into his lap, thankful he stopped before there was a real problem.

"Get some sleep. I'll take a nap too."

"Why do we always nap?", Harry muttered.

"Because we're too traumatized to actually sleep for a healthy amount of time and it feels better to sleep next to someone that makes you feel safe."

"I'll drink to that. G'night Prince."

"Goodnight Scarhead."

Little did Harry know how good his night could actually be.

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