It's all my fault.


Im useless


I deserve this


Mom would be so disappointed in me.

That thought made me start to cry more and sends me over the edge. I repeatedly make cuts on my arms letting the blood flow down like a beautiful crimson river along my pale skin.

I started to feel dizzy and I knew I need to stop. I didn't want to but had to. Great..

I stood up and turned the sink on and watching the water pour down the drain for a second before quickly shoving my wrists underneath. This part always hurt the most.

My forest green eyes gazed upon the sight in front of me. My arms leaking the warm crimson liquid that I loved to see. I watched as the water swept it down the drain, red twisting and turning to mix with the clear water.

I continued to clean my arms until they stopped bleeding a bit. I left the water on as I quickly wrapped my bleeding wrists and forearms in soft white bandages until they were covered.

With the water still running I opened one of the other drawers and grabbed a red rag, the color matched the blood so it was easier to hide.

I soaked the rag in water before turning the faucet to stop it from pouring. I kneel down to reach the puddle of my blood that gathered on the grey bathroom tiles and began to scrub them clean.

A little while later the blood came off the floor and I was done. I felt so much better now.

I walked over to the little basket that was in the corner of the bathroom and threw the wet rag in.

I sighed and began to walk out of the room. What if I just killed myself? Nobody would care nor try to stop me, I'd be doing everyone a favor.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize I made it to the kitchen already. I really didn't want to eat cause I knew I was fat but the workers had to make sure we did, so annoying.

My feet carried me across the slick wooden floor and over to the cabinets. I opened the door and looked inside. Nothing looked appealing but it never did so I chose at random. It would all come up and be flushed down the toilet later anyway.

Another kid walked into the kitchen but I didn't care. I disliked all of them for the torment they put me through.

I grabbed a brightly colored cereal box with some kind of logo on the front of it. It didn't matter what brand or flavor it was. I really couldn't care less.

I made my way over to the fridge and opened the door, I bent down slightly to find the milk and grabbed it. I closed the door and set the cereal box and milk on the counter as I grabbed a bowl.

I placed the ceramic bowl beside the milk and cereal. I grabbed the box and opened the flaps on top and tipped it over a little so the cereal pieces could drop into the bowl.

I stopped pouring and closed the box again and leaving it on the counter to put away later. I splashed milk into my bowl and put the cap back on afterwards.

My hand reached for a spoon in a drawer and grabbed it to set into the mixture in my bowl. I placed the milk and cereal box back where they came from and held my bowl as I walked out of the kitchen.

I felt something stop me from walking and I began to fall onto the hard floor. The cereal fell with a loud thud an splash, luckily the bowl didn't break.

My body crashed and I groaned in pain. I think some of my cuts reopened. Just wonderful

I lifted my head and opened my eyes when I heard snickers of laughter. A few other people who were staying at the orphanage began to laugh. I looked back at what tripped me to see another person who was snorting and giggling. Monoma.

He was one of my main bullies, one of the only ones who physically abused me here. The others never tried to stop him, they didn't care. I heard loud footsteps approaching then a woman's stern voice spoke.

It was Miss Johnson, her stern blue eyes looked at me as I was still on the floor. Her hair got longer through the years and she now wore it in a low ponytail, her glasses never changed though.

"Izuku, care to tell me why you're on the floor and why there's a huge mess?" She coldly spoke. She never really liked me but I haven't found out why.

"S-sorry ma'am I tripped.." I spoke, she always made me nervous.

"Clean up. Now. I want this mess gone without a trace. Clumsy child." Her last words were barely audible but I still heard them. She walked away, the short high heels she wore made taping sounds along the wooden floors.

I groaned as I started getting up. At one point Monoma left, thankfully.

I sighed and started to clean up the spilled food on the floor. Well at least I won't have to throw up later.


Another chapter woohoo! This ones pretty long and I'm super proud of myself (•̀•́)و


1493 words!! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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