41. Mine.

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"done" yoongi hyung said and everyone turned to him even y/n popped her head out to look.

Everyone rushed to him walking around the table while Ms.y/n jumped the table and stood next to him

He stared at her shocked as we did.

"what? It has become a habit" she says. I end up chukling.

Everyone surround him and I lean against the table.

"I streamed the cameras to her PC instead.

So you can see here namjoon and Lisa have long left bangtan it has been around 20 mins since they left." said yoongi hyung.

"how did they leave in tight security!?"ask jimin hyung.

" apparently the nurse in the nurse room wasn't our own.... See the nurse left with them." he pointed out I immediately pulled my phone and dialled a number.

" hello? Jackson.... Rush to the medical room or around there find the nurse she is tied supposedly" I ask calling one of our gang member

"what!?" he exclaimed and I could hear whispers from around him.

In the camera I could see him being confused with the sudden attack and the others around him were shocked too.

The immediately jolted up and rushed to find.

The other small staff, flinched a bit because of their sudden outburst.

After running and searching everywhere. One of the women found her tied in the washroom..

"here this is the n-" yoongi hyung couldn't complete saying about the imposter nurse he found before y/n spoke.

"I never felt such loser before" she mumbled and jennie gasped.

"she is Cassie.... Y/N's assistant" she mumbled. Y/n had a calm and poised face.

"I somewhere knew she isn't trustworthy but never knew she was a spy." she mumbled.

"don't worry even we never knew you were luna" said jin with a grudge full voice and she gulped.

"nor did we know you have noirlune with you" said jennie and y/n gulped again.

Everyone was eyeing her.

"like okay I get it.... I shouldn't have hidden anything from any of you but if you were in my place wouldn't you have done the same." asked y/n.

"I would have spilled it out..." said taehyung nodding his head.

"your inability to keep secrets isn't my fault" y/n said to him in defence.

"you know what can we concentrate..... because I think Lisa is commanding all of the members of Lee gang to get you" said yoongi hyung and we looked at the the screen he opened.

The audio played.

"You hacked her phone!?" y/n asks and sits on the table beside her pc.

Yoongi hyung nod with a shrug.

"good job smartie" rose patted his shoulder and he was visibly frozen on his place.

While the audio played.

"Mr.lee has been caught, bangtan has taken young miss y/n as a hostage we need to attack bangtan. I need everyone dead except jeon jungkook" she said and cut the call.

"what kinda bitchery is this?" y/n sighs saying, almost all of scoff.

"she seems really desperate." says Rose and nods her head.

The Bunny of the moon (jjk)Where stories live. Discover now