39. Cruelest Of Them All.

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Jungkook pov...

There was another moment of silence as she smiled.

"I guessed you didn't expect me calling you dad" she said with a weak smile.

"I never wanted to call you dad also. You know we would have been a normal daughter and father but it was you who spoiled it all" she said and we all were focused on her.

"I had scars no one could heal. The bruises you gave are still all over me." she said and I remembered what I saw on her.

"but that doesn't matter anymore. Now I have people to protect and ways to protect. I don't care about you" she added and Chung ho looked at her.

"I can make sure your last few day go in hell or your days in much less of a hell" she said and I realized she isn't so kind as she looks.

"tell me about Lisa and namjoon. What made you keep them with you?" she ask him and he chuckled. "I guess I can do at least this after all I have done to you" he said with a small chuckle.

She smiled.

"I contacted them when I realised saeni.... I mean your mom is running away from me. She was leaving me." he said and he had a smile on him.

"I loved her.... She was someone I dearly loved. The first person to show me what feeling love is. I first saw her in a mafia gathering where she was with jeon jungwoo....at first I thought she is his girlfriend. But then I found out they are friends.... Best of friends. Saeni never liked him but jungwoo somewhere liked saeni." said Chung ho.

And I was shocked...." dad liked y/N's mom!? The thought of committing incest crossed my head and it really freaked me out.

"just wish y/n isn't your sister" yoongi said and we all sighed.

"I was all over head to make saeni mine at first it was because jungwoo was my rival or because she was the daughter of Sandrane ricci. But days by days I feel in love with her." said Chung ho before looking at her.

"she looked like you. Was this why everyone fell in love with her. Isn't it an irony jungwoo's son fell in love with you?" he asked chuckling and I knew he was talking about me.

"get to the track" she said and he nodded.

"I got bigger and bigger Lee gang became bigger.. and that's when I proposed to your mother. Her father said if her daughter says yes he wouldn't say anything. It was a bit difficult. But eventually your mother married me and jungwoo married for business as well. He still had everything. He had all his love to his wife and to saeni he became the best friend." said Chung ho.

"I already had a son from my mistress... He was kim seokjin and then from your mother, I got a daughter as beautiful as you. You were the heir to noirelune since you were the only descendent of theirs and to Lee gang as well ofcourse." he said and we were shooked.

Jin hyung lowered his gazes biting his lips. We all were shocked.

But no one spoke. Y/n obviously knew everything.

"his mother left me and it was okay I had you,saeni and jin. But slowly everyone left. I broke down when you left along with your mother and the last thing you said was 'I hate you'. I drank the whole day, your voice echoed in my head and that day I decided to have my daughter back to me no matter what." he said.

" and that is when I ringed to the biggest rivals of noirelune, they sent me Lisa and namjoon. Lisa poised as you and namjoon as my son, he replaced jin. They promised to get you back no matter what. But everything back fired when you didn't come back even when saeni and jungwoo died. You started studying to become some doctor."

"the problem became even bigger when Lisa.... Really fell in love with jungwoo's son and namjoon started having feelings for you. He started feeling guilty for killing your mother." as he said y/n was visibly uncomfortable.

She had her hand clenched but the calm and serenity was still there.

" I started pushing him to bring you back since I helped him take revenge against your mother but he started being calm" said he and everything made sense.

"That is when I realised both of them have lost their touch. But Lisa was someone who still hated you... Probably because the love of his life, loved you." said Chung ho.

"I know your messed up loved story. What I want to know is what are namjoon and Lisa upto!?" y/n asks.

"Lisa wants to rule Lee gang, she wants to have everything you have from luna, from jungkook to bangtan to Lee and even noire lune if that is possible. She may end up being your imposter. She practically copies everything you do" goosebumps surround my body as he said.

"and I don't want someone else in the place if my daughter so I decided to get you married to sang lewei so you can be the Head of the gang." that's it. I'm going to kill this bitch.

I paused when she spoke.

"dad your intentions weren't so bad but your ways and mentality was. You didn't realise family comes first. You realised it late but in a wrong way. I am already a queen not because my other half is a king but because I fucking rule it." she said and he looked at her.

" but I can't still forgive you for what you did to mom. I don't care how much you loved her. I won't be cruel on you as I will be on namjoon and Lisa but I won't be kind as well." she said and took a deep breathe.

" as the chairwoman of luna, I have legal rights to announce your penalty and no person would stand against it. I announce eternal prison in the hell Island for you" she said and everyone gasped.

Hell Island!?
That was real.

The island that is a compele jail in the middle of the Indian ocean. Can someone be more cruel than this.

Thats the most high security and deadliest prison ever made.

She said and walked away while her father kept calling her with every sweet names and tears beamed from his eyes. A single tear left y/n eyes but that was the only tear that left. Men come as she walked away bowing to her and on the way to escort Lee Chung ho.

Is this karma or y/n herself is karma.


I am sorry actually I wanted to tell the backstory. It was really important to.

I didn't want to make her dad a complete bitch but a even more stupid bitch so yeah.

I hope the story wasn't boring.

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