12. who will.

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Y/n pov...

I closed my drawer and placed my attention on her

"Jisoo, he left and I know nothing about him and his Lil friends. If fate is about us meeting again. We will but then don't try that all I'll say to myself. He is a dangerous man" I said to her.

"As if," she replied. I frowned and looked at her. She completely turned towards me and looked at my eyes. "Unnie it's you who always said. 'Every beautiful thing is dangerous, and every pretty act has consequences. I guess you are right." She says with a smile and left.

I looked at her as she walks out of my cabin. She is right that my words are accurate. They are ethereal and dangerous. But right now......

I am a mess and I am tired. So I need to stop thinking and get back home so I can have a good rest. I immediately get up and put my doctor's coat in its place and wind up.

About 30 mins later...

I drive through my driveway to my house. After successfully parking. I get out of my car.

I look for my neighbour ajhumma. Then I remembered I came home early and she must be at the grocery store shopping.

I locked my car and walked to my door swinging my car keys around my fingers

I got close to my door and opened it. I notice the lock pad of my door wasn't clean and had a lot of finger marks.

I always keep it clean and spotless. I frown as I look at it. I immediately look at the edge where I tape a Lil plastic sheet. So I realise someone has opened it or not.

If the plastic piece is inwards between the doors and door frame no one opened but right now it was outside and not bent in.

Which only means one thing.

Namjoon is very clean with this stuff. He is precise he isn't the one who came. I slowly open the door with 0 noise. It was already dark and that didn't help.

It was around 9 pm right now. I got inside my house and looked around still clenching onto the door. When I heard shuffling noises. I immediately closed the door with a loud thud.

The shuffling noises shut. I casually go ahead with my schedule and make sure I locked the door. So no one escapes. I look at the main points...


And the lights go out.....

I smirk knowing, Anyone who came didn't know luna always has my back.

??? Pov...

The lights went out. I picked the long vase in the drawing-room. I could sense people eyeing me as I was in the middle of the room now.

And soon enough they decided to attack so did I. Without disturbing anyone I silently dismantled every single person coming at me. Twisting arms, holding their weapon and attacking with itself, Kicking their hand hand which help their gun and disarming the guy.

Tripping them and pulling them into each other, banging them. Dismantling not just them but their guns before they fire.

Breaking necks and twisting arms. With that, attacking everyone.

I enjoyed doing it so much. Destroying anyone who dares to attack without knowing their level.

I come in dark and disappear when the light falls on the ground. Switching on the main switches and making the bodies lying on the ground visible.

Y/n pov...

As the light fall on every single body. I sigh. And walk through the bodies without tripping.

"What a mess" I mumbled annoyed as I have to clean this all now.

I checked the pulses and none of them were dead but not capable of even moving.

I sigh and pull out my phone. After speed dialling the number, I put it in my ear.

"What?" The voice says from the other side.

"Jinnie?" I called out surely. He paused for a second "say it I promise I won't overreact" he says exactly understanding what I meant

"Ambulance for 8 please? And no chaos about it, " I said.

"Y/nie. Next time I will make sure I vent out my frustration. I Regret promising you about not reacting" he said and cut the call without another word.

I looked around the mess and whimpering men, I put my head down hanging and sighing.

I get up and walk to my room. Jin will handle the mess. I will go to sleep now.

But before minding my own business I gave water to the guy who had his neck broken and helped a few of them.

Jungkook pov...

"Luna appeared. Our men are in the hospital. They were taken there at 10:17 pm. And they are in no condition to even speak." Taehyung says after talking to someone on the phone.

He was sitting beside jimin and yoongi on the couch while I on my table.

I slam my hand on my glass.

"THEY WERE FROM THE SPECIAL TEAM!!!!!" I scream at top of my lungs.

The three of them weren't surprised. They knew I would react like this.

"Taehyung strengthen the combat teams," yoongi hyung said to taehyung since taehyung was responsible for combat and fights.

Jimin was responsible for the information, business deal and dealing with the prisoners.

While yoongi hyung was responsible for cyber and tracking, hacking stuff

'Hyungnim' was responsible for the information and other stuff with jimin and hoseok hyung was in combat with taehyung.

"So who are we going to send to bring her. If the 8 special team member can't take down luna then who will?" He asks.

"Should I go my-" jimin was going to say when I interrupted.

"No! I will go, myself," I said with a form voice they looked at me and nod after taking deep breathes and digesting the situation.

I stare at the air, hoping for luna to appear and I will get him then and there.

That would be great but something in me wanted to have y/n on my fingertips. Within my sight.

"He didn't came this time. I guess it doesn't come sometimes"

~~ me.


I am writing. this is fast.

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