31. Believe In Love.

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Jungkook pov...

We were sitting in the conference hall of my office. I sat on my chair with my head rested on my palms and elbow on my thighs.

I wanted y/n in my arms back again.

Rose, yoongi and the whole cyber team were trying to track y/n by her watch.

While jennie and jisoo along with taehyung were trying to figure out where could they have gone. Calling the respected people and asking them.

Namjoon was with Lisa in the medical area along with jin and jisoo, getting treated

Jimin hyung was out checking traffic cameras. That caught nothing.

"don't you think it's like deja vu. The cameras again caught nothing" jimin asks and we all looked up.

"yeah we couldn't even find luna's cars in the cameras" yoongi hyung says and we all looked at girls.

They looked each other and sighed.

"jennie trust us" taehyung said stepping in.

She sighed and gave in " their are some ghost subways. Under ground. They are such subways which were supposed to be operated but were never even finished completely. No one goes there. Many were closed due to mishappenenings, low budget or even for black spirits. They connect almost the whole Seoul to abandon areas like the jjajang forest which is filled with abandon factories and buildings and most importantly. The burnt building of Lee corporation is even there" rose said and we all looked at her.

It was the biggest clue ever. They ofcours went there.

"but...." ofcourse a 'but' was there. We all looked at her.

"cannablist men hide in the ghost subway of jjang. It's not even used for shady business anymore " said Jennie.

"cannablist men?" jimin asks.

"cannablist men are-" jennie started to speak was cut off.

"human who feed on humans.
They are gruesome and just kill and eat." a voice said as they entered from the door. It was tzuyu.

Our eyes go wide but the girls weren't even suprised.

"you?" I asks.

She bows and gets back "tzuyu, agent number. 456. From Luna. Sent to bangtan since luna was operated by choi saeni. Y/n has just a slight idea about it. But pretty well knows about me." she says to rose, jennie and jisoo who just nods and trust me i felt my soup leave my body.

"SHE IS FROM LUNA!!!!!??? " yoongi hyung and jimin hyung both exclaim.

"the fuck." taehyung sighs and I am legit petrified.

"is there something else. Just confess when you are at it" I said and with the hint arrogancy.

"I am sorry the secrets will be told to you only if needed." rose says with a arrogant smile.

"you are free from our duty at bangtan as of now." rose said to tzuyu and she bowed.

Author pov...

Tzuyu saying this was about to leave when jimin followed her and grabbed her arm in the hallway.

"wait" jimin says holding her arm.

Tzuyu pauses and looks at him.

"can I talk to you?" he asks.

And she looks at him with confusion.

"y-yeah" she says to him.


Tzuyu stood by the rooftop. Looking at the enormous sea view low cliff ahead which had a beach connected to it.

When jimin walks to her with a cup of coffee.

He offers her a cup of coffee.

She gently shooks her head denying it.

It becomes awkward for jimin holding two cups. He not being able to comprehend what to do with the extra one, he ends up placing one the ground.

While the other stood alone in the hand he again picked up seeing his confused behaviour tzuyu chuckles and ends up taking the cup.

He shyly rubs his head and looks at her.

Taking a sip. Tuzyu waits for jimin's question.

"was all that a act?" he ask.

"yes it was." tzuyu immediately replied and took a sip of her coffee.

"can I ask if you really had feelings for jungkook?" he ask.

She pauses for a bit and answered. " it doesn't matter" she replied.

"why!? It does. Please tell me." he responds and looked impatient.

She sighs and looks at him.

"you know what Ms.y/n says at the end of every meeting or before any mission in luna" she ask.

He looked confused "fighting, all the best? Something liked that" he asked.

"no." he frowned and looked at her as she replied. " she says bangtan should be unharmed and jungkook should not even have a scratch" jimin looked sort of suprised hearing it.

"you won't dare to lay hands on jeon jungkook neither violently or romantically after you know y/n. There is no one other than y/n for jungkook" she said and he just nodded.

"that woman risks her life daily so jungkook is never harmed. She denies her feelings just so that her father doesn't reach him. Do you think you became Asia's biggest Gang just like that. She protects you everyday. She gets happy just by getting the news of jungkook doing some charity" she says and he kept on listening to her.

"she sacrificed herself to the devil. Who would not kill her but won't let her live. She would be getting beaten black or blue or would be experiencing even worse after she went to her dad just so lisa the girl who wanted to kill her be safe." she pauses after saying.

" do you think any one would have the heart to steal the only happiness she has? Jungkook is the piece of smile she owns. She is 23 years old and all of her life she only wanted was jungkook. Can you take him away from her?" she asks looking at him.

" no.... I cant" jimin replies.

"exactly..... Even i can't. No love can be greater than y/N's. If jungkook doesn't ends up with her. My belief from love will be gone" saying this tzuyu left.

Jimin just saw her walking away as she tosses the cup of coffee in the bin and makes her way into the staircase.

"but... I don't want to separate them..... I just want to have you." he mumbles as he sees her go away.

He takes a deep breathe and sighs.

"every beautiful thing is dangerous.... Indeed y/n is right" jimin sighs and gives a small smile saying this and sips the cup of coffee he hasn't drunk.

"today is a good day for a outing. Too bad we have a y/n to save." he says and sips his coffee.

"I should probably go... Wait.... I have to go" jimin realises the intensity of the situation and rushes out of the terrace.

I very well know i have a habit of mixing emotions buts that who I really am so...

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