Ch. 12 Thank you for being my friend

Start from the beginning

" Harri," Petunia whispers, causing Harriet to look at her. " I love you so much. I will be with you every step of the way. You are not going to be alone in this process," She confessed to her niece.

Harriet fondly smiled at Petunia, feeling touched that her Aunt wants to be with her through this scary and strange process.

" I love you too, Aunt Tuney," Harriet happily tells Petunia.

" Young Harriet. Please lie on the altar to the right," Ragnok motioned to the second marble-like altar.

Tom watched Harriet walked towards the marble-like altar. He then disappears so his soul/magical core can rest for a bit before the process can begin.

Harriet walks towards the marble-like altar, she used her strength to sit on it, and she then lies down on it.

A knock on the door grabs everyone's attention. Ragnok turns his gaze to the sound, and he grinned when he sees his colleague holding an artificial body, which looked like a mannequin in Muggle terms.

" Griphook. Place the artificial body on the altar next to Young Harriet," Ragnok firmly tells Griphook.

Griphook nods his head in response as he walks towards the marble-like altar, and he carefully placed the artificial body on it.

Harriet glanced at the artificial body with a mixture of emotions.

" Young Harriet. Please hold the artificial body's hand," Ragnok kindly asked Harriet.

Harriet nods her head in response as her hand reached out to the artificial body's hand, and she tightly grasped it.

" I am going to begin the ritual, Young Harriet. It is going to hurt only a little," Ragnok honestly tells Harriet.

Harriet's heart rapidly beats as she stared at the ceiling with a mixture of emotions.

' Harriet. Do you want to do this ritual?' Tom softly asked Harriet from within her mind.

Harriet glanced at the artificial body's hand, and she slowly nods her head in response.

' Yes! You deserve a second chance to live. Consider this ritual as a way to show others that you are not your adult self! And that you can change to become a better person,' Harriet firmly tells Tom.

Ragnok gently placed his left ring finger on Harriet's forehead while he puts his right ring finger on the artificial body's forehead.

Ragnok closed his eyes as he begins to chant something in Ghukliak. His ring fingers soon started to glow in white color.

" My, Lord, Jareth. Grant the soul and magical core of Tom Riddle from within Harriet Potter's forehead to this artificial body so that he can become a Phantom and redo his life to become a better man than when he was in his original life," Ragnok mumbled.

Petunia and Griphook stood to the side as they watch and hear Harriet begin to scream her heart out. Tears were falling from Petunia's blue eyes since her heart broke seeing her niece being in pain.

Harriet felt like her whole head and body were in flames, but she did not let go of the artificial body's hand since she wants Tom to have a second chance to live.

' I promise you, Harriet, that I will make this life so much better than what I had in my previous life. Thank you for being my friend and giving me a second chance to redeem myself,' Tom's voice echoed as his voice begins to fade away due to his soul/magical core leaving Harriet's body.

Petunia silently and worriedly watched Harriet's forehead glow as the orb goes through all over her right side of her body to the artificial body's hand. She then saw the orb go through its left side of its body to the heart's location.

Petunia wore an awe expression when she saw the artificial body begin to transform into an eleven-year-old boy with brown hair and green eyes. She then looks away to stare at her niece, and she begins to panic when she saw her lying on the marble-like altar unconscious.

" Harriet!" Petunia frantically calls out as she begins to run towards her niece.

" Wait!" Griphook sternly shouts at Petunia, but he rolls his eyes when he sees the Muggle female running towards her niece's side.

Ragnok finished the ritual, and he then pulls his ring fingers away from their forehead. He blinks when he sees Petunia running towards the marble-like altar to stand next to Harriet.

" Why-Why does my niece look so pale?" Petunia asked, looking and sounding concerned while gently putting her hands on Harriet's face.

Tom felt himself get stronger once his soul/magical core began to form a bond with the artificial body. His green eyes blinked when he noticed that his surroundings seem blurry, letting him know that his eyes need to adjust to their new body.

" Why-Why does my niece look so pale?" Petunia asked, causing Tom to turn his gaze to Harriet, and he begins to get worried when his vision gets more evident, and he sees his friend unconscious.

" Young Harriet is fine. The ritual took a toll on her because of the extra soul/magical core from within her. But all she needs is to rest so that her body can readjust to having a single soul/magical core," Ragnok calmly explains to Petunia and Tom since he noticed that the young male was listening to their conversation.

Tom looked away from the others as he sighed in relief, feeling glad that his friend would be okay.

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