"I guess yer not entirely wrong." Atsumu mumbled, just a little above a whisper. Osamu really wasn't wrong, which wasn't something Atsumu liked admitting to.

"Wow, that's a first." Osamu chuckled, a small grin coming to his face as Atsumu rolled his eyes playfully.

"Oh shut yer trap." Atsumu playfully slapped his brothers arm, a small smile coming to his face as he did so.

It made Osamu a little more calm knowing that he could at least get a smile out of Atsumu. Though, he wouldn't just stop there. Yes he had his disagreements with Atsumu every now and then but he still cared for him, and really didn't enjoy seeing the other so down.

So — he was going to do something about it.

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•

°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

'Tsumu🙄💛: Omi-Omi! Are ya on lunch?

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Yes, you know this already.

'Tsumu🙄💛: I know,, but I was just making sure, y'know?

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Sure. What do you need?

'Tsumu🙄💛: Someone's grumpy :p do I really need a reason to talk to ya? Maybe I just wanted to

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Mhm, I doubt that, so get to it already.

'Tsumu🙄💛: Omi-kun, I can feel yer misery through the screen -.- everythin' okay?

Omi-Omi😷🖤: ..

Omi-Omi😷🖤: I didn't sleep well last night, that's all. Komori decided to spam the hell out of me for just about every hour of the night.

'Tsumu🙄💛: Did ya spam him back?

Omi-Omi😷🖤: No?

'Tsumu🙄💛: Smh, an opportunity missed if ya ask me
[read 12:13pm]

Omi-Omi😷🖤 is typing..

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Hey 'Tsumu?

'Tsumu🙄💛: Mhm?

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Is everything alright?

'Tsumu🙄💛: Why wouldn't it be?

Omi-Omi😷🖤: It might just be me I guess, but you don't seem as.. enthusiastic.

'Tsumu🙄💛: Aww~ don't ya worry 'bout me Omi-Omi ♡︎

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Atsumu, you're not answering the question.
[read 12:17pm]

'Tsumu🙄💛 is typing..

'Tsumu🙄💛: Sorry Omi but I gotta get goin', class is startin' in a few minutes! I'll ttyl! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
[read 12:19pm]

Omi-Omi😷🖤: I'll talk to you later then. ||

Omi-Omi😷🖤: Talk to you later 'Tsumu ❤︎

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•

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