The Wolve and the Child

Start from the beginning

She prayed, and prayed, and prayed until finally something broke her out of her trance. She listen closely and heard, a cry ? no it was more then just a cry it was a baby crying. 

Jumping to her feet she started to walk towards the source of the crying before going to a jog before breaking into a full sprint then into a full on run as she ran to the source of the crying before finally arriving to the source, A basket, a basket which was left all alone in the garden. Now one would ask how someone was able to get past the guards, climb over the walls, and even get past all the security between the outside and the inner palace, but for now she was more worried about the baby to which she reached down and picked up from the basket. 

Moving the blanket which covered the crying child she saw a baby, no more then maybe a month old with bright blue eyes, little wolf ears, a tail, and around his wrist a name tag, now she would have read it if not for the fact that she was consoling the baby that she was rocking in her arms. "Shhh shhh its alright, its ok your safe, your safe." She repeated a few times before the baby finally calm down enough to now just be sniffing as it was still upset, Marry soon heard foot steps running up as Imperial Royal Guard come up weapons at the ready as they thought the Empress was in trouble, clade in their full power armor they looked at the Empress before one ask. 

"My Empress is everything alright ? We saw you running and feared something was wrong

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"My Empress is everything alright ? We saw you running and feared something was that a child ?" 

One of the IRG asked to which she nods and soon walks past them still holding the scared baby. 

"Bring the basket and prepare a bottle for this little pup, also inform the Emperor and the Prince to meet me in the nursery." 

One guard bows to her as they begin to move around quickly only for her to watch the small baby in her arm as she continues to rock him back and fourth abit before finally the baby starts to smile which makes her happy as she believed the spirits have answered her prayers and have given her another miracle. 

At least five minutes have passed as she is now feeding the small baby in her arms and beside her is her husband the Emperor who is softly petting the childs head while infront of them is their first son Richard who is looking at the baby. 

"Mommy who is this ?" 

Marry smiles as her husband looks at the name tag that was on the babys hand and reads it out. 

"The name tag says Jaune Arc Wolf...well i guess we have a name...but where did this little guy come from ?" 

Her husband asked to which Marry finally spoke up, "He is the answer to my prayers." She looks to her son and gestures for him to come closer to which the little human did as he looks at the baby in her arms. 

"My son this is your little brother, this is Jaune, Jaune say hello to your big brother Richard." 

Marry says as the baby finished the bottle and looks to the human child known as rich and reaching up he grabs his new big brothers finger and just giggles and laughs which causes the child to smile as now the Imperial family has two heirs to the throne of the vast Wolfen Empire, and even more the crown prince now is going to be a big brother and a protector to his younger brother Jaune for all dangers.

If only they knew the true role that this child would play within the larger galaxy and even the Multiverse. 

However that is a story for. 


Critica1Darling Domain

Present day.

Around a table sat Jaunes as Jaune Tepes looks irritated at his Wolven counter part while the moskovian version of him is chuckling before downing a bottle of vodka.

"Your seriously gonna do that whole 'a story for another day' shit ! COME ON !"

Jaune wolf just laughs abit as he waves his hand.

"Oh come on this story is one which must be told in parts and I speak in either one thousand to three thousand words."

Jaune Tepes just stares at him almost as if hes getting a headach which causes the moskov arc laugh.

"DA COMRADE ! Let us sit back and enjoy story from imperial while we enjoy good drink and food !"

Jaune Tepes just groans as he has his face in his hands.

"I'm surrounded by idiots."

Jaune wolf just shakes his head as he finishes.

"Well as I was saying my friends."

That is a story for another day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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