Interrupting them and their thoughts, Naomi's phone alarm began playing. She reached over and stopped it, after spitting out the toothpaste and washing her mouth out.

"Oh shit, do you need to go and take your pill?" Theo asked, washing out his mouth

"No, I'm taking a week off so that I get, well I got my period" she explained, surprised that he even remembered that she was on the pill and that's what that alarm was for.

"Oh, okay. Are you ready to go?" He asked, putting their toothbrushes away


"Why? What's up?"

"I smell"

"No you don't"

"Theo, I haven't showered and I'm not going to now because I don't have any of my products at yours and you can't say shit because you've just sprayed yourself with your aftershave and deodorant"

"Well do you want some?" He laughed

Naomi chewed the inside of her mouth debating on whether she wanted to smell like a boy, more importantly like Theo, or constantly feel like she smelt when she probably didn't, but she never left the house without showering unless she was in a rush, which was rare.


Theo laughed at her as he passed her the aftershave. He watched her inhale it before even spraying it, letting out a soft moan. He thought his ears deceived him at first, but the way she looked up at him through her lashes when she had done it, showed that he had in fact not misheard.

Naomi sprayed herself multiple times, smiling at the smell which was Theo's signature scent. She always tried to pinpoint it when she was around him, but could never. It was an addictive scent and now she got to wear it. She was sure she let out a small moan when she had first sniffed it when he passed her the bottle, it was an accident.

She didn't realise she had done it, until she heard Theo clear his throat and she looked up at him and he was ready to take her on the bathroom countertop.

Putting the aftershave down, she walked past him, taking one of his coats and led the way out of the small space and through his room, down to the balcony and into the garden, where she knew if she didn't get out, they would no longer be taking things slow and they definitely would miss breakfast.

Theo lightly pulled her the other direction, when they had gotten to the Main Street, when he noticed her walking the wrong way.

Shortly after, they found his car. Theo went straight the passengers side, opening the car door for Naomi. She smiled as a thank you and got in. She couldn't help but glance back at the backseat. The same backseat they had sex in.

She clenched her thighs, at the memory. How the hell were they going to take things slow, when all the places the two of ever hung out, they had sex. Her house, his house and now his car.

Sex memories.

Sex memories, which caused her butterflies in her stomach and tingles straight to her core.

Bringing her out of her dirty thoughts, Theo slammed his car door shut, getting in and starting the car.

"Here" he said, as he passed her his phone, unlocked on Spotify

Naomi knew what he was asking and took his phone. She didn't know what to pick so she just started scrolling through his liked songs. She also did it because she wanted to know if he had good music taste.

Pretty quickly, she found 'Forbidden Fruit' by J.Cole and started to play it.

Theo smiled at her choosing this song and glanced over to see her lip syncing the words.

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