I thought.

Izuku: everyone pick a target try to take out as many as possible I think twice has entered the equation.

I said into the radio sure enough three Shigarakis and Momos walked out. I placed my cross hairs on the first Shigaraki .

Izuku: I got the Shigaraki up front.

Ghost: I got the burlap sack guy by the blue container on the left side.

Woods: I got over haul.

Mason: I got the guy with the black trench coat.

Sandman: I got the Shigaraki on by the way they came.

Ruby: I got the Momo on the far right.

Roach: I got the hulk looking guy. Damn I wish I brought a bigger gun.

Diaz: I got Mr. Compress.

Mareti:I got toga.

Hudson: I got twice I hope it's the real him.

I heard in my radio this left two Momo and one Shigaraki untargeted.

Izuku: "I hope this works."

I thought.

Izuku: All teams fire at will.

I said pulling the trigger of my rifle. I was happy when I say a red mist bloomed behind the Shigaraki that I was aiming at. When he dropped the rest melted but the Momo that Ruby targeted melted while the rest dropped.

Ruby: Shit I missed I going after her

She said over the radio as she went to kill the real Momo.

Izuku: Ruby wait we'll go after her together.

I said but got no response.

Izuku: Damnit Ruby.

I said getting up to run after her.

Ruby's POV

After the shot I realized the Momo I shot was a fake.

Ruby: Shit I missed I going after her

I said over the radio as I decloaked and went to kill the real Momo.

Izuku: Ruby wait we'll go after her together.

Izuku said but I didn't respond as I ran after her. The containers were like a maze as I searched for Momo.

Ruby: Where are you bitch?

I whispered I saw her run out from behind a shipping container I fired but missed as she made it behind another shipping container. I ran after her to get another shot at her but as I chased her someone tackled me making me drop my rifle. I looked to see Momo with a knife about to bring it down as she did I grabbed her wrist trying to keep the knife out of my heart.

Momo: Just die you greedy whore!

She screamed with a crazy look in her eyes I was able to get my boot under her kicking her off me. When I got some breathing room I pulled my USP .45 and fired two shots into her stomach. I stood and walked over to her thinking I got her seeing blood come out of her mouth.

Ruby: You chose the wring side.

I said shooting her in the head killing her but she then turned into mud.

Ruby: Oh shi-


I turned to see the real Momo with half of her face shot off. in her hands was a katana raised into the air ready to be brought down on my head. The katana hit the ground with a clang her body following soon after. Behind her I saw Izuku aiming his MK14 at Momo.

the framed soldierWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu