Chapter 5

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I grabbed my bag that had my armor in it when All Might and Green Titan stopped me.

Izuku: Call me son I'll kick your ass.

I said right off the bat.

Green titan: We just wanted to give you your old suit back.

All Might: And your quirk.

I grabbed the suit they seemed to think I would forgive them but.

Izuku: As for you quirk All Might.

I rolled up my sleeve and activated the torch installed in my arm to burn the costume.

Izuku: I don't want you quirk nor do I have a way to use it seeing how I no longer human.

I said dropping the smoldering suit they had tears in their eyes seeing I have changed more than mentally as I walked away. In the locker room I removed my shirt keeping the think around my neck concealed hearing the entire room gasp not just from the scars but what I had replaced.

Katsuki: Yo Izuku what the hell happened to you.

I sighed as I turned to face him.

Izuku: You really want to know.

They nodded.

Izuku: this was a classified operation called blackout our objective save the prime minister from the NRC.

Kirishima: I heard of them they once had a hold on Egypt until the uprising.

Taylor: Yeah, I was there for it threw the yelling bastard off the platform anyway back to your story.

Izuku: Thanks. As I was saying we were to extract the prime minister and we did at a cost.

Flash Back

Izuku's POV

I just came to seeing the wrecked APC me, Hendrick, the prime minister, and Kalel were the only survivors. I heard the chopper over head the pilot set the container down.

Pilot: LZs to hot we get to thin them out.

The pilot said opening up with its weapon systems I set up behind a rock rattling off shots with my AK-47 into some of the robots and NRC personnel while the chopper destroyed the APC but there were to many. We were out gunned when the pilot came over the comms.

Pilot: Guys we got a window get on board.

Izuku: Go I'll cover you!

I yelled over the gun fire Hendricks was on board I turned but was to late the Pilot took off leaving me there to get blown off the hill by some explosives. I was on the ground shrapnel wounds littered my body as one of those steal bastards came up to me. I tried to fight I punched it with everything I had left but it grabbed my arm with both hands and ripped it off then it broke my leg and ripped my other arm off before punching my stomach. I saw my life flash before my eyes every memory I saw my family my class my relationship everyone I thought I could trust only to find it was all a lie. Seeing my life, I realized I had nothing left to live for.

Izuku: "This is it this is how I die alone and seen as a traitor at least I will no longer live in agony goodbye world you cruel bastard."

I thought accepting my fate before the robot was killed right in front of me. The blood loss was getting to me along with the pain when a shadowy figure walked up.

???: Hang on kid you'll be alright.

He said as darkness consumed me.

Flash back ends

the framed soldierजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें