15| Maison de l'amour'

Start from the beginning

It took Nandini a good few minutes to rake in every inch of the palace, thanks to the gigantic proportions. It looked exactly same with no hint of degradation or loss of shein.  The gardens were immaculately maintained, and so were the fountains. The cobbled pathway that led upto the entrance, looked as if polished right then. All in all, the palace looked as regal as it used to look back in those days.

Nandini looked beside her with the expectations that Manik would be looking at that regal property with awestruck eyes, but to the contrary, she found him looking at her, with concerned eyes. “What? Didn't you like the place?”

Manik smiled at her innocent query, “However grand this place maybe, I will never like it”. A puzzled Nandini asked again, “Why?”. “Because this place gave you the scars you've been carrying all your life. And no grandeur can change that fact”, and once again Manik Malhotra made Nandini Murthy believe that he loved her and cherished her to no extent.

Not caring about the surroundings or anything, Nandini leapt in his arms, pulling his lips down on hers. It was nothing but her way of telling how crucial those words were for her at that time. “Let's get done with it”, she breathed against his lips, still catching her breath.

They were about to take a step inside the property when a voice stopped them in their tracks.


Manik felt Nandini go numb with the addressal she just got. Not only did it give her a racing heart, but to him too, because even if he denies, he was about to step in a world where there exists no goodness or light. Nandini too was aware of the consequences that could be there if Manik is seen in the premises by her side. 

With bated breaths, they both turn to come face to face with the voice who knows Nandini as a Mafia heiress and not the Business Mogul.

A little more than two feet away, stood a tall blond man, looking at them with neither a smile not a frown but something in between. While he wore an extremely formal getup which didn't go well with the surroundings, what stood out in his attire was the shiny silver broach. Though Manik didn't recognise it, Nandini took no less than a second to acknowledge it.

"North?", She sounded unsure.

When that man bowed in front of her, crossing his right hand in front of his chest, Nandini was left with no doubt in her mind. It was indeed North. The most loyal bodyguard she has ever had. Nandini would have never recognised had he not worn that broach.

That little piece of jewelry that was tucked on his chest, was a token that conveyed he belongs to the vicious Alpha Zee. Moreover, that being in silver colour signified that he belongs to the core security of the head, which was ‘Athena’.

Madame”, he saluted which was replied by a graceful nod from her side. After the formal greetings were over, North took the liberty of staring at the six feet two guy who stood extremely close to his boss, to clear him of any sign of danger. Finding his gaze immensely uncomfortable, he faked a cough.

The moment Nandini realized the stare off between the two men, she took it upon herself to introduce them. "Manik meet North. He was my security, back in the time.  He has lead many missions planned by me”, Manik cognized his presence in a similar fashion to Nandini. “And North meet Manik Malhotra. He is a world renowned actor and also my fiance", she pressed upon that word. And Manik wouldn't lie but there was a school of butterflies in his stomach turning alive.

That suffix seemed to have done its job, for North saluted the Manik in the manner he did for Nandini. While Nandini, being accustomed to it replied imminently, the poor guy was left flustered. Nandini chuckled looking at his state,“This is a way of greeting the revered Manik, and you being my consort come under the same category as me”.

Ignoring the look of embarrassment on Manik's face Nandini asked, "How are you North? How is the pack?". Though she had asked the questions almost impulsively, she was scared to get the answers. Once again, it was the fear of drowning back in the dark taking over her. And the moment Manik felt that, he deftly encircled her waist, drawing soothing circles on it which instantly calmed her down.

Madame, to be honest, every thing is very haphazard. After you left the country, an internal conflict arose. Those who were not ready to accept Hera as a successor, left under Hades' super vision”, Nandini was about to ask him a question when North with a rare smile said, “I was included in that group”.

Nandini gave him a grateful smile before he began again. “Not much is known about Hera since then. One day she abruptly left, without leaving a clue behind. Alpha Zee has been underground since then. I was living in Bruges, with my family when an intel came to me that you are here. I knew you'd be visiting the property so I've been on the lookout”, as North's monologue came to end, Nandini along with Manik were left in deep thoughts.

“Lead the way North”, Nandini commanded making him get back to the attention position. North walked in front of the couple, maintaining a decent distance to give them privacy. “Are you thinking what I am thinking?”, Manik asked looking at Nandini's troubled face. “Where did she go so suddenly? Why has been wiped out of the face of the world?”, Nandini asked those questions which were revolving in Manik's system too.

“Shall I Madame?”, asked North as they reached the main door of the palace. There was a strange feeling that overtook Nandini's senses. The minute she says yes to him, she will be agreeing to step back into those memories. She will be agreeing to look at everything all at once, again.

Two arms came from the back, placing themselves on her waist whilst a pair of lips whispered huskily near her ears, “Together, we can do it love”. Those words just did the thing she needed then. With a rejuvenated sense of confidence, Nandini's nodded an approval to North who was waiting patiently, ready to face whatever lies beyond those wooden doors.


“Athena est entrée dans les locaux (Athena has entered the premises)”, someone spoke into the bluetooth, while looking at a faraway distance from his binoculars, at the dwarf form of three figures who were entering the palace.

“D'accord. gardez un œil sur eux (Okay. Keep an eye on them)”, a monotonous cold voice barked from the other side. “D'accord Monsieur (Okay sir)”, and he gave all his concentration to the scene panning out in front, ending the call

“Athena est de retour (Athena is back)”, the person grinned dreamily, puffing out the smoke of the cigar he has in his hand,“Elle avait raison. Athena est là pour se venger (She was right. Athena is here for revenge)”.

“Allons-nous nous préparer à attaquer le boss ? (Shall we prepare to attack boss?)”, asked a sturdy looking man, who was standing in front of his with an ashtray in his hand. “Pas si tot (Not so soon)”, his voice was alarming, which shut him up quickly. “Gardez un peu de patience. Nous aurons notre chance. (Keep a little patience. We will get our chance)”, he took a puff of his cigar and spoke.

“Comme tu dis monsieur (As you say sir)”, the other guy bowed down to his wishes. He knew speaking up against him was useless. Once he has made his mind, he will not deter. All he had to do, is wait and watch. But one thing that he knew for sure was Athena meant trouble, and her revenge, only god knows how bad that will be.


From here starts the build up to climax. Be ready to read some drama and suspence.

How was Manik's softer side?
Your thoughts about North?
Who are the two people talking?
Any question, any opinion, please feel free to tell me, in comments or in PM.
I'll love to answer everything.

Next update : 11/06/21

See ya till then.
Stay safe. Get vaccinated ❤️

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