"Hey! Not my hair!" He whined setting his hair properly and I rolled my eyes.

"What?! You looked so cute smiling like that!" I said and he looked at me sharply.

"Take it back! I am not cute! Eww!" He said making a face kids make when they see vegetables and I burst out laughing.

"God! Men and their weird distaste towards cute! It's like a stereotype! That men can't be cute only handsome and sexy! Stupid stereotypes!" I grumbled and Zian shook his head with a small smile listening to me.

"Kabir said they would go to the back area. Let's go then?" Zian asked and I nodded.

"So...let's go day after?......Friday?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Sure! Yeah!" I said and smiled.

"Cool! I will text you the timings and I'll pick you up!" He said and I stifled a smile at how cute he is looking as he was so out of his element with this whole date thingy.

As we were walking it was.....nice. It was fun though I thought it would feel awkward with the whole date thing and all.

We reached towards the backside of the college where there is a ground and that's where Kabir texted us to come. Before going to them I suddenly held Zian's hand and pulled him aside to the wall.

He looked at me in question and I looked around to see if anybody is there watching around. When I found no one I held Zian's collar and pulled him down as to look into his eyes in level.

"I might have agreed to the date easily Mr. Khurana but I want it to be special and something unique. I don't want fancy restaurants or movie dates. Something that comes from the heart. So I hope you can make it happen! Otherwise forget about a second one" I said giving him a smile and Zian looked at me astonished and amused.

"So confident in me that there would be a second date?" He asked in a teasing voice and I shook my head.

"Well! I am a little confident in me that there will be a second date!" I winked at him and walked away towards our friends leaving him behind stunned. He soon did follow me muttering under his breath.

"You really are something else Ms. Agarwal" and I covered my mouth to stop my giggles.

Soon we sat down and engaged in a conversation with our friends stealing glances at each other. Oh boy! What a feast would it be telling all this to Khush and our friends! I wondered!


She agreed! God! She agreed! Fuck! I couldn't stop the grin on my face when I remember her saying yes to go out with me!

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She agreed! God! She agreed! Fuck! I couldn't stop the grin on my face when I remember her saying yes to go out with me!

I thought a lot about what Dad said and what my friends said and honestly I know deep down I like that girl! Yet, for some reason I am being a dick due to irrational thoughts and pushing that feeling away. And I thought maybe I'll give her some time and myself some time and figure out everything clearly.

But today when I was coming from the cafeteria after a late lunch with Kabir and Rudra I told them both to go ahead to the class and that I will go get a water bottle. When I was going back I heard a guy from some other department talking about a girl and later by his talks realised he was talking about Bhuva. He was talking to his friend about how beautiful Bhuva is and that he wants to try his luck and ask her out. I was so pissed that throughout the next lectures I had to hold my annoyance back.

When I was walking towards where Bhuva was after classes I saw her talking to that douche Vicky and laughing with him and that sight just ticked me off for all the wrong reasons. I wanted to smash his head for laughing with my....her!

And I remembered Rudra's words about how Bhuva is popular among guys because many asked her out but she rejected. Remembering that it brought out a new yet familiar feeling in me. Possessiveness.......I am very possessive of my little world. I don't like anyone or anything making changes in my little world of Dad, Veer, Kabir and Rudra. And I felt possessive after so long of someone else. I felt possessive over that girl.

And I wanted to scream out that she is off limits. Her response being so non-chalant pushed me to the edge and I just blurted out the most unexpected thing I never thought I would do.

I asked her out and I don't regret it. Even though I wanted to wait I won't leave her a single second if it means someone else will come in her life. She...she..can't be with anyone else! Even that thought wants me to punch someone.

I was honestly so scared when I asked her. She did tell me her feelings and I.....was stupid enough to not acknowledge them yet she has been very........warm with me. I felt like what if she rejects me now but she proved me wrong.

I was never wrong when I said that she is so different....so unique.

God! I wanted to hug her so badly when she pulled me down and her breath hitting me. It drove me insane being so near her but I had to control.

She wanted a unique date right? Then she would get one! Zian Khurana will take her to the stars!

Just you wait Bhuva Agarwal.....I thought smirking looking at her.

I thought smirking looking at her

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