Chapter 3

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Ten hours in stilettos was NOT your definition of a good work day, and you were happy to "entertain" Becky and Richard by lounging on the couch in his trailer while she stripped off copious layers of make up.

"You sure you don't mind my bare feet?" You ask.

"If you two don't mind my bare ass, I think I can handle a couple of toes." He says.

"Your ass is in a chair, and besides, it is much nicer to look at than my toes." You respond.

"Flirt." Becky calls you out. You're too tired to have a proper filter at this point though. "She's right though. Your ass is much cuter than her mangled monster feet."

You flip Becky off. Richard laughs.

"I am a committed professional who has sacrificed her feet so that the world will get to know what Richard Armitage was saying whilst naked." You proclaim. And then add. "I am a complete idiot."

Richard grabs one of your feet. "No, you're a saint." He says. Rubbing the abused pinkie toe that you really aren't sure will ever recover from tonight.

"No one is gonna give a dam what you're saying in those shots." You tell him. "No matter how amazing your delivery was."

"You're flirting again." Becky warns.

"I'm just trying to get Richard to keep rubbing my feet." You half-joke. You see him blushing, but he doesn't stop.

"The least I could do." He says, quietly.

"So, you'll do more then?" You ask, eyebrows wagging suggestively, and he blushes again. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Becky's annoyed expression. And Richard doesn't say anything in response, simply continues rubbing and smiling while Becky works on him.

When he's finally finished, and you're-thankfully-back in flats, the sun is almost coming up.

"Ok. What bars are open at 5 in the morning?" You ask.

"None" he says.

"Well, we all have a full day- and night- to recover, and everyone else is already on the correct schedule. So you're stuck day drinking with Becky and me." You tell him.

And it's been a long night, but if you can do it. Richard and Becky sure as hell aren't going to give up on a well deserved good time.

"Ok. I've got wine in my suite." He says.

"Ooh, Becky... You wanna go to Richard's suite?" You ask, leaning on her. You're sleep deprived-and alcohol deprived-and silly. She's playing along with it- hugging you back.

"What red blooded woman would say no to that?" She asks.

Richard blushes. "I wasn't trying to imply anything ladies. Just offering you some wine-"

"Perhaps some dine?" Becky asks.

"Please don't forget the 69!" You add and it turns Richard practically purple, he's blushing so much. You and Becky erupt into a fit of giggles.

"Sorry, we'd love to come up to your suite...for wine." You say, attempting a straight face. And Richard gets a car to take you all back to the much nicer hotel where the actors and the rest of the above the line company is housed.

You tried. God knows you tried to resist.

But three glasses into a wine that was much better than he had to uncork, you and Becky are in a tickling match that's every bit as sexy and clichéd as anything you'd expect to see on late night cable and you slip and then you're kissing, and it's the first skin you've touched in months that was because you felt welcome, and she's sweet and cute and you give in and melt into her arms, even if you know she's looking towards Richard the whole time.

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