Before Enchessa could respond, two guards burst through the doors, weapons at the ready.

Yardaff held up a hand. "We have not come to fight," he told them. "We would speak with the All-Father, and with your king - speak, nothing more."

"Though if we were here to fight you, you would stand no chance, as you are outnumbered, not to mention powerless compared with us," Enchessa added mockingly.

"My Lady, please," Yardaff begged, turning to her; "behave yourself. We've come to resolve this diplomatically - there is no need for threats or condescension."

"I do not fear these creatures," Enchessa sneered. "Look at them! Small, weak, ugly little-"

"Silence," Yardaff commanded. He turned back to the two guards. "We come in peace, and would speak with your king and the All-Father," he told them. "Please grant us an audience with them, if you can."

The two Asgardians looked very unsure of themselves. Three powerful Frost Giants - one of them female - asking to speak with Odin and Thor? If the two of them together were outnumbered, one would stand no chance, so they couldn't separate; still, the king did need to be notified…

"I swear to you, in the name of my late father, King Laufey, that we have only come to speak with your king and his father," Yardaff said, sensing their hesitance. "We do not seek to harm any of your race during this visit, nor have we come to take back our sacred relic. You need not fear what we might do if you turn your backs - you have my word, as prince of Jotunheim."

"Perhaps you could simply lead us to the All-Father and his son now?" suggested Krunagh. "We will follow you, if you would to take us to them, or if you wish to take us someplace where you would be less fearful of us."

Yardaff nodded in agreement. Enchessa was still and silent.

The two guards looked at each other. One of them nodded to the other, and they turned back to the three Jotuns.

"As you say, Frost Giant," said the one who had nodded. The two guards marched up to the Jotun trio, then stood aside. "We will bring you elsewhere."

"Are we to be taken there at spearpoint?" asked Enchessa.

Yardaff smiled and stepped forward. Krunagh followed him, and Enchessa joined them after a moment's hesitation. As he passed the guards, Yardaff told them, "I advise that you not provoke the Lady Enchessa; I have little control over her."

"You have no control over me, My Lord," Enchessa said contemptuously.

The two Asgardians gave no response to this, and the three Frost Giants were indeed led forward at spearpoint.


After several minutes of messengers running back and forth and Asgardian soldiers gathering to keep an eye on the three ambassadors, Yardaff, Krunagh, and Enchessa came to stand before Thor and Odin, as well as Heimdall, Lady Sif, the Warriors Three, and several dozen nameless soldiers.

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