Episode 9

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Lucas' POV

"As much as I appreciate your concern for me, shouldn't you worry more about your well being?" I asked Yui with a sweatdrop as I covered her bite mark on the wrist with a plaster.

"For someone so scared to anger them, you sure do find ways in getting them to bite you." She puffed her cheeks at me. "It's not like I intentionally got them riled up and bite me. I was just trying to make a point."

Sighing as I sat beside her on her bed, she leaned on my shoulder and I patter her head. "Well how about not trying to prove your point? Not that you won't get bit either way but at least they won't leave a deep one like this." I pointed at her wrist and she huffed.

"Ayato was just being a child because I wouldn't make him takoyaki." I chuckled as I continued to pet her head. "Reiji hasn't given you permission to use the kitchen, has he?" She nodded and I hummed.

"Figures, I wouldn't dare step in the kitchen unless I was allowed to. Reiji seemed like the type of person to punish you if you did something with no permission."

"Exactly what I tried to explain to Ayato-kun." She crossed her arms over her chest and I rolled my eyes. "I don't think its best to mention any of his brothers when around him. He seems to get pissed if you do."

Yui sat up straight and hummed. "I noticed that too. But why?" I rose an eyebrow at her before smirking. "Jealous type maybe?" She turned to me with a dust of pink on her cheeks. "Why would he be jealous?"

"Don't think I didn't notice, you seem to gravitate towards him more than anyone else." She turned red and placed her hands on her cheeks. "Th-that's not..."

I just smirked at her reaction before narrowing my eyes and sighed. "I better get going and check if those two have left my room yet." Yui immediately looked up, worried.

"Have they been drinking from you too?" I hummed in response. "No need to worry much, they only do so out of spite when I don't entertain them."

"Entertain?" I smiled at her and she blushed. "Ja ne." I left her to her imaginations, knowing that they are anything but decent. Closing the door behind me, I shook my head as I headed towards my room hoping that Shu and Laito were no longer there. Hoping.

'If they're still there, things could be a bit difficult for me.'

Placing a hand on the knob, I stayed there and stared at the door. My vision changed and I saw that no one was in my room and smirked. 'Good.'

Entering my room, I quickly made my way to the wardrobe and grabbed the smaller bag I hid inside and opened it. Files and other things were inside but I grabbed the envelope that had a seal on it and opened it. Clicking my tongue when inside was a small folded note.

'stop her awakening.'

Folding it closed, I grabbed the journal and flipped the pages though my fingers before a bookmark slipped on a page and I saw that on the page were words underlined and encircled with red ink.

'Treachery... Cartwright... Grims... Immortal... The cursed one... Demon lord... Bat clan... Vampires... Karl Heinz... Cordelia... Awakening.'

"So she's the one huh." I muttered and sighed before raising my head to the door when I heard a knock.

"Shu." He was leaning on the wall beside the door. He slowly put his hand down from the door and crossed his arms at me. "What are you doing?" He asked and I closed the journal and placed them back in the bag.

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