"I'm not ready to let you go....." Qwantay said quietly. "Let me tell you about Vegas." Qwantay said moving over to the couch and sitting down. "Ayy you can leave if you want to but this is an interesting story that would be in your benefit to hear." He said lighting up a blunt and turning the light on.

"What kind of games are you playing Qwantay?" I asked looking at him.

"I just thought you'd like to know what I've been up to.... you might wanna sit down because it's a long story and I know how much you hate standing still......" Qwantay said smirking, against my better judgment I sat on the other couch and stared at him. "As you know, after our argument I went to Vegas with a couple of Renee's dudes... I needed a break and also this was a good way to build a relationship with our partners." Qwantay said leaning back.

"We got there and that vacation was exactly what I needed.... being out in the desert, chillin around REAL niggas, like-minded niggas who just want to make money, I started talking with this nigga named Gee and we had a lot in common, he even confessed to me that he was DL and that none of his boys knew.... the more we talked the more we opened up to each other and I confessed to him that I was afraid of losing you and all the fucked up shyt you've done to me in these past few weeks." Qwantay said cutting his eyes at me when I started laughing.

"You are fuckin crazy bruh..... like really fuckin crazy." I said shaking my head. "Just hurry the fuck up so I can get the fuck outta here." I said waving him off.

"I told him about our open relationship and how I've given you everything you could've wanted, I gave you a son...." Qwantay said quietly and my blood turned to ice. "I told him how your family hated me despite how good I was to them and how Legend was to blame.... that's when Gee came to me with an idea. You need to be tamed, you've been moving RECKLESS these last few weeks and so I had to take drastic measures......" Qwantay said.

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked clenching my fist.

"Nothing.... yet, but like I said, you need to be tamed.... so two of the dudes I went to Vegas offered to help me out, I know Neisha tried to warn you but I'm always one step of my little sister..... so I positioned two men close to her and Jordan. If you try to leave me... if you disobey me... if you see that nigga Sincere again... if you do anything I feel is to the detriment to our relationship, and if anything happens to me..... I'll have them move Neisha and Jordan so far away from you that'll it take a hundred lifetimes for you to find them and I mean that shyt Icon, you're mine and no one elses.... They'll be checking in every few hours to make sure I'm good and if they get the slightest hint that something is wrong.... well." Qwantay said sadly. The only thing that was able to snap me out of my daze was the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and I looked up and saw that nigga from early, the same nigga who was on Facetime when I was talking to Qwantay... I'm guessing this is that nigga Gee.

"Everything good here?" He asked sitting next to Qwantay, this nigga was ass naked, and sitting next to Qwantay like shyt was sweet..... I couldn't tell you what happened next, I just remember a snapping sound, blood, sirens, flashing lights, and handcuffs. Unfortunately, I didn't kill that nigga Qwantay and our neighbors called the police when they heard me beating his ass.... After sitting in jail for two days, I was bailed out by Philly and Rich.

"Man, what the fuck? I thought you were done with that nigga?" Philly said as we walked to his car but I was still thinking about Jordan...... if something happened to my son I would...... "I'm going to be honest with you bro, I only fucked with that nigga because you're my brudder, I've never liked that nigga and now you can see why." Philly said steam damn near coming out of his ears.

"Icon what happened?" Rich asked looking at me as we drew closer to the car. I gave them a quick recap and they were left shaking their heads.

"ICON!!!!" Sincere called out and when I saw him, anger flowed through my veins because he was part of the reason my life was going to hell right now. "Ayy lose the attitude..... what happened?" He asked and I didn't feel like dealing with this nigga, I turned to walk away but he grabbed my shoulder. "Nah, don't walk away from me.... tell me what happened." Sincere said calmly. I didn't feel like retelling the story so Philly did it for me and Sincere stood there nodding in an aggressive way.

"Bruh just leave me alone....." I said pushing his hand off my shoulder.

"Nah.... can't do that, but don't worry I'll handle that nigga soon enough, you just gotta trust me." Sincere said kissing me and disappearing before I even realized what happened. What the fuck was this nigga going to do? Knowing him he would only make matters worse and my son's safety wasn't something I was willing to gamble with.

"So where do you wanna go? You know you can't go back to that damn house right?" Rich said and I nodded, I knew of one place I could always go, one place I could always call home. "If you need us you know we'll be there for you...." Rich said as we pulled up to my parent's house, in some strange way this was where everything started, this was where all the current drama I was now facing began....... I sat there in the living room until the sun had completely set and I was sitting in total darkness, I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize someone was knocking on the door until they started banging on the window and calling my name.

"What are you doing here Sincere?" I asked opening the door and letting him in.

"I told you.... I was going to handle it, but you have to trust me." Sincere said looking into my eyes and I could honestly say that there was no one on the planet I trusted more than him, I nodded. "Aight... this may be the last time you see me for a while..... like I said it's all part of the plan, but in order for this to work you have to play your role..... keep Qwantay happy but you can't make him suspicious, resist.... put up a fight.... you can't let him think you gave in so easily because he won't believe it..... I trust you can handle this......" Sincere said.

"What exactly are you planning?" I asked feeling this cold feeling going up my back and sinking into my heart.

"I told you.... this is the last time you'll see me for a while, unlike last time when I just dipped I'm letting you know.... just know that I'm always going to come back to you...." Sincere said touching my face. "I love you...." Sincere said kissing me, he kissed me again, and again, and again.... until we were fuckin right here in the living room. Sincere was asking a lot of me but I trusted his judgment and if he said he would handle it then I had no choice but to believe he would handle it.............................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Cody, Frenchie, Darnell, or Murda? SN: I'm still working on the other chapters, they'll be out sometime this week, no later than Sunday.

RuthlessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora