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"NOOO!!!" (Y/N) scream with her tears and leaving her room filled with her cry and scream. She looks at her surrounding, its the hospital. Soon after her mother came into the room smiling happily with her tears of joy.

"(Y/N) finally! You wake up! Finally! Thank god!" Her mother hugs her. (Y/N) is still confuse, was that all just a dream, and why shes in hospital now?

"Mom, why? Why am i here? Whats wrong with all this?" She look at her surrounding theres a lot of machine and also needles stick under her skin.

"You don't remember? Well you just get your heart surgery and you had a coma for a week."

"A coma? A Heart surgery?"

"Haha i see maybe you being hallucination but, yeah. You have a heart disease and one day you had a very bad heart attack until we need to rush you to the hospital. Now you have your heart surgery and nothing to be worried now. Its just a miracle, i cant believe that received a heart donor in time."


"Im sorry (Y/N) its my fault, for not taking care of you or aware of your health. Im sorry."


"Alright im going outside, if you need something just ring the bell on your left alright?" Said her mum and went outside, maybe having a talk with the doctors about her condition.

"So it was just a dream? I see." (Y/N) thought of herself. But why? Why is that dream feeling so real? Why?

Few months later.

After a few months after she undergo her surgery,now (Y/N) is fully recovered.
(Y/N) walk along the neighborhood, the dreams that she had few months before is still fresh in her mind. Suddenly she have a very hard feelings or instinct saying that she need to go at the third street of the neighborhood. She walk along the road and she stopped right in front of a big house, she look at the number of house together with the owner's house.

"Gojo Family"

"Gojo? SATORU GOJO?" she was shocked with it and she cant believe what just happen in front of her eyes now. She slowly push the bell waiting for people to respond. Not so long after, an old lady around mid 50 come out from the gate, greets her with polite.

"Hello, may i help you, young lady?"

"Eeh..Ermm.. may i ask is this Satoru Gojo's house?"

The old lady stunned as (Y/N) said Satoru's name to her and her expression change into sad after that.

"I am his mother. Lady, may i know who are you?"

"My name is (Y/N together with your family name)-"

The old lady straightaway hug her and starts to cry.

"What a noble act. After 7 years, after 7 years. Satoru searching for you. Now you actually here, (Y/N)."


"Come in, i tell you the story that you should know."

After the lady offer (Y/N) a seat and also asking her maid to make a tea for her, she went upstairs. (Y/N) sitting down politely and she look her surrounding then not long after that, the lady come with a medium sized box with her. She place the box in front of (Y/N).

"Open it, its from Satoru for you."

"For me?"

The lady nodded,giving her small smile.

"I will open it later but, Mrs. May i know, where is Satoru, i want to meet him."

"Im sorry, (Y/N).. He no longer in this world."  The lady starts to cry and wipe off her tears. (Y/N) lost her words, so indeed Satoru did die, in her dream and even in reality but she really don't understand what happen now.

"It happens 7 years ago, when Satoru around your age, he told me that he had a dreams of a same girl everyday for a week. He told me the girl's name. Its (Y/N together with your family name). He told me that he want to meet her so bad, even though he never met her in reality and he said that he feels that the girl have a very special connection with him."

"What happen to him..?" (Y/N) starts to cry.

"Satoru died because of accident,a few months ago, he get back from a shop after buying some groceries that i asked him to buy. The witness saw him help two children who almost get crash by a car, the children are safe but not him."

"Its the same, the dreams. He get crashed by a car." (Y/N) thought herself.

"He died at the age of 24. He still young. There is more thing that he could do. I cant believe it." His mother crying while wiping off her tears with a tissue.

"A day before he died, he gave me the box."

A little bit of flashback
"Mama, i want you to keep this box for me."

"Why? What box is this?"

"This is for (Y/N)."

"After 7 years Satoru are you still waiting for her? She is totally a fictional character who pop inside your dreams out of nowhere."

"Mama, i promised her, that i will always be with her. She will come to me one day, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but one day, she will and im sure of that. Mama do you ever heard a quotes?"

"What quotes?"

" 'Destiny guides our soul to where it meant to be.' "

His mother sigh and look at the box in her hand.

"Fine, im keeping this box. But why you give this to me?"

"I dont know mama, i just feel like she will meet you instead of me."

"What are you talking about Satoru?"

"Hahahahaha! Nothing mama don't worry too much, well i need to get going now. Goodbye!"

Flasback end.

After a long talk with Satoru's mom and heading back to her home. (Y/N) walk slowly with the box in her hand. She really cant believe of what just mama Satoru told her.

"Satoru? What is the meaning of this? I..." She stopped walking and drop herself on the floor. She really feels hurt and she pressed her chest. Its not heart attack or what but the feelings, the feelings of hurt. It feels like there was a lots of blades scratching her heart right now.

Ps: a very sweet dream huh?

---------------------------------------------Ps: a very sweet dream huh?

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Gojo Satoru X Female Reader (Sweet Dreams)Where stories live. Discover now