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Satoru walk through the hallway heading to his class and the student around him seems like whispering,talking about him

"I heard that he have a relationship with (Y/N)." "Why (Y/N) he's too handsome for her." "Do you know yesterday he punched one of the student here."

Satoru didn't care of what he hear right now but then Suguru appears in front him.

"Hey, Satoru, i heard that you had a relationship with (Y/N), why though?"

"What do you mean by 'why'?"

"Its just. Theres a lot of girls in this school but why, her?"

"I can see my future with her, and i dare to say that, she will be the one who are going to be in my life forever. Thats it." He smiles to Suguru.

"Huh? Its too early for that Satoru."

"What ever. Excuse me Suguru." He walk away and head to his class leaving Suguru clueless.


Satoru saw (Y/N) sitting down and draw something in her sketchbook.

"Good morning, (Y/N)!"

"Ahh! Satoru!"

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing i just draw a doodles of a rabbit."

"A rabbit?"


Satoru look on to her sketchbook, it is indeed a doodles of a rabbit.

"Hey why not i draw my rabbit next to yours? Hows that sound?" He took the pencil from (Y/N) hand and start drawing the rabbit.

"Im going to put my rabbit a bow tie cus you know, to differentiate between our rabbits." He say continue drawing his doodles. (Y/N) smiling look at him, how lucky she is having a person like him.

"There you go, my rabbit. Its not that nice like yours but hey, remember to take care of my rabbit okay? This is my tasks for you." He says smiling wide to her.

"Okay Satoru. I promise." She smiles back which really make Satoru relieved.

"Today gonna be the best day to me!"


"Because now you're infront of me, and im really happy!"

"I see."

"Looking forward for today!" Satoru smiles widely to (Y/N).


It was Thursday today and luckily there is PE class which is totally Satoru's favourite subject. Everyone playing with their own desired games such as, ping pong,basketball or even volleyball. He personally loves basketball especially with his height. He played basketball with his guy's classmate and every girls cheering for him.

"Satoru ah!" "Satoru you're awesome!" "Ahhh!! Satoru notice me!"

After their match, Satoru noticed (Y/N) sitting down alone at the basketball hall bench. He come nearer and say hi to her.

"Hi, what are you doing here? Sitting alone?" He sit next to her, wiping off his sweat on his forehead.

"Nothing, i just feels like to sit here."

"Not going to play anything?"


"Come on, lets play some game. How about badminton?"

"I don't know how to play badminton."

"Really? Then let me teach you."

"Nevermind. I don't want."

"(Y/N) i told you that i want to show you the world right? This is it. Im going to show you parts of fun that are going to be in your mind forever. Lets go."


He pull her with him and both of them playing badminton together.


(Y/N) walk alone as she wants to head to her class but before she does, (Your enemy name) and the gang appear in front of her.

"So, look at this rat. What did you do to Satoru?"

"I don't understand what are you talking about."

"Why did Satoru having a relationship with a rat like you?"

"Look if there is nothing else you wanted to say, im going now. Excuse me." (Y/N) push (Your enemy name) aside gently but she slap her on her face.

"Who do you think you are, putting your hand on me? Know your place!" (Your enemy name) starts pulling (Y/N)'s hair while the other two of her friend punching her.

"S-stop. Im sorry." (Y/N) cover herself with her hand trying not to fight back.

"You bastard! Satoru is mine! You fucking slut! You just like your mother!" (Your enemy's name) continue hitting (Y/N)'s head with a book in her hand.  Suguru and Satoru who happened walk into the scene saw of what the girls did to (Y/N). She falls down on the floor still covering herself with her hand and Satoru saw her hand filled with bruises, maybe because the girls hit her with a very thick book on her.

"Fuck off rat!" (Your enemy's name) still hitting (Y/N) without mercy but someone stop her doing by gripping her wrists. Its Satoru.

"Ah! Satoru!" The book in her hand falls down on the floor.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Satoru let go off her hand with a very furious look on his face.

"Erm. I just. Aaa."

"Shut the fuck up! Get out of here! If you once try to hurt (Y/N) i will not hesitate to punch you, even if you're girl. You got that?"

The girls leaving both of (Y/N) and Suguru behind and (Y/N) can hear (Your enemy name) sounds like mad at her.

"Are you okay?" Satoru ask with concerned.

"Im okay."

Satoru saw there's a lot of bruises on her arm, he really sad that he was late, maybe if he with her since the beginning maybe she wont get those bruises on her arm.

"Im sorry (Y/N) i didn't come early for you. If im late just now, i don't know what would happen to you. Im sorry."

"Dont worry Satoru! Im okay. Seriously."
Satoru immediately hug her tightly, as he feels so bad for her.

"Im sorry (Y/N)."

(Y/N) didn't respond to that instead she hugs him back . They both falls into silence then Suguru try to break the awkward silence.

"Now now you two. Lets head back to class shall we?" Said Suguru.

"Yeah. Lets go (Y/N)." Satoru let go off her from his hug.

"Yeah lets go."

"Hey, by the way, (Y/N), i wanna ask you something."


"I want your phone number?"


"Yeah. Tomorrow is Saturday, so why not we exchange our phone number?"

"I see. Alright ill give you mine later on.


Gojo Satoru X Female Reader (Sweet Dreams)Where stories live. Discover now