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School times over, Satoru's house.

Time on the wall clock shows now its already 11pm yet he's not sleepy even tomorrow was school day. Satoru seems lying lazily on the couch,pressing the TV remote, searching for a good show from the Netflix. It seems like there's none of it attract his attention and he decide turn off the TV. He sigh, looking on the ceiling.

"(Y/N) what happen to you actually?" He thinking of (Y/N). (Y/N) is indeed a beautiful girl, she have a (hair color and Your Hair length), a pair of (Your eye shape and eye color) and also everything about her is perfect for him, yet he don't know why people around her seems like hating her, for no reasons. Its the first day of him, meeting with (Y/N) somehow he feels attached to her, something that making him wants her to be his even more.

"Ah! Enough! I need to go buy some drinks." He scratch his head and went outside the house.

(Y/N) House.

Its basically everyday routine of her mother coming home from the night club with another man that (Y/N) didn't know who was the guy. Her mother literally bring different guy every night, enjoying, partying without even care about her own daughter, (Y/N) herself.

"(Y/N), meet (That guy name) he is a very nice gentleman. Please. Be nice to him." Said her mom with a little hangover and (Y/N) can actually smells strong alcohol from her mother. (Y/N) cant say anything or opposed her mother lifestyle, if she does, her mother will abused her or even worse grounding her a day without eat or drink. She have her own father,a very successful businessman but her father went off with another woman when she was still 3 years old and soon after that, her mother change, maybe because she was very heartbroken of what her father have done. Even her mother told her that she regret to have her in this world and she even said that looking at (Y/N)’s face always remind of her father. Her mother hates her father so much, but her father still giving them money every month which really helps them.

"Mom, i need to go outside. I want to buy something."

"Yeah. Whatever, go on! Bye!" Her mother wave her hand before she and the guy went up stair. (Y/N) don't want to know anything happen between them both after this, but what she know is that she want to go away from home for now.

The 7 Eleven

Satoru walk into the store, it was only him and the cashier then he walk to the drinks side,look closely to the drinks inside the fridge. He can see assorted drinks shown inside the fridge and there is one drink that make him drooling, which is Hazelnut Caramel Latte by Starbucks.

"Yes! Finally i found it!" He took out the drinks from the fridge then he heard of the door alarm as someone has enter the store too. Satoru is a very tall man and he can actually see everyone inside the store without any problem but then someone's catch his attention.

"(Y/N)!" He feels his heart beat beatings really fast as if he just done a 3 lap of running.

(Y/N) walk around the store trying to look for something, she doesn't know what actually that she want to buy, because she just want to go away from the house. Then suddenly,

"Yo! Fancy meeting you here, (Y/N)!" Satoru pat her shoulder slowly with his smile on his face. (Y/N) quite surprised because she's not expecting to meet him here, in 7 Eleven store.

"Oh Satoru! What are you doing here?"

"Im just looking for drinks. Its just.. wait what are you doing here? By yourself, at very late night?"

"I.. looking for..something." Satoru knows that she have something troubled her but she try to cover it.

"You know, im looking for someone to talk with me tonight. If you're okay. Can we have a stroll in the park?"


"You live in this neighborhood huh?"

"Yeah. I moved to this neighborhood around 2 years ago."

“Oooo. I see.”

"This neighborhood is actually for elite families, yet she stay here in this neighborhood. Well she's kinda wealthy,smart,talented and also beautiful. A very perfect girl, but why, why people hate her? Bully her?" Satoru thought of himself.

"Satoru, do you get your things?" (Y/N) asked him.

"Oh yes. I need to buy another one, hazelnut caramel latte! You gonna love it. I buy it for you." He walk to the fridge again but (Y/N) hold his hand try to stop him.

"Eh its no need, i can pay it."

"Nah! I forbade you to pay it. Its on me!" He suddenly pinch her nose leaving her speechless, cant believe what just happen. Satoru walk to the fridge taking around 4 bottles with him and taking two bags of chips with him.

"Lets go! To the park!" He said and walk to the counter, paying all of the things.

Timeskip,Neighborhood park.

"Hah! Its nice strolling here at night, right?" Satoru sit on the bench with his hand in his Nike jacket. (Y/N) awkwardly sit beside him, but not close to him because she feels awkward and weird because this is the first time she going out with a guy.

"Oh! (Y/N) may i know, what actually happen between you and the girls? And i can see all people in the school kinda hate you, even the teachers too."


"Im sorry if i hurt your feelings but if you don't wanna tell me its okay. I just-"

"People hates my mom."


"There is once she did a mistake, sleeping with other people's husband and everyone knows about it. Rumors spread so fast. People hate me cus they hate my mother. They also said that i am my mother's 'mistake'. "

"Aa...its must be hard for you, right?"

"So. Are you going to hate me as well? You must be disgusts with me right?"

"Nope. Im never be disgust on you. Besides, you never asked to be born into a situation like this. What ever people say, i will always be by your side. I promise that."

"Why? Why you doing this to me?"

"Its just because i feel i need to do it."

"I don't understand you, Satoru."

"One day you'll know." Satoru smiles at (Y/N) then suddenly his heart stings in pain again just like what happen to him this afternoon. (Y/N) going towards him and pressed his chest.

"WHY!?SATORU!? Are you okay!?" She panicked with concerned face.

"Im okay."

Satoru still pressed his chest, it stings so bad.

"Hey! Do you need to go to hospital?"

"Nah. Im good. Its just, my heart get ache few times today, i never get any issues about my heart but i don't know. I just don't understand."

"I see, i think we should go back now, you in this state. Its just not right. Lets go, point me your house, i escort you." (Y/N) offer her hand to Satoru but Satoru push away her hand gently.

"No need for that, i am the one that should escorting you back home. Besides, you're a GIRL!" He walk in front of her then pulling her hand into his hand.

"Satoru. Thank you." (Y/N) grab Satoru's hand as if she don't wanna let go off his hand forever.


"For accepting me of who i am. I.. truly appreciate that." (Y/N)'s eyes getting watery but she tries so hard not to let her tears flowing down through her cheeks.

"Come on (Y/N). Lets go back." He say smiling to her and she smiles back to him. Satoru stunned when he saw her first smile to him, she is really beautiful, and he really love her smile. They both head back to (Y/N)'s home still holding hands together.

Ps: actually i finished this story but im going to update it once a day 😚 oh btw,you can check my another work (Guren Ichinose x Reader) and if you are Gojo simps there will be a slight Gojo too and also there will be a prequel about him but to the ANIME ONLY if you wanna read the prequel, its up to you,bcs it contains some manga spoiler. ✌️ Ok bye!

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