Chapter 9: New Encounter

Começar do início

"oh, stars," Error said, rubbing the sides of his skull harshly. "for fuck's sake, i should've thought about this sooner! i knew i shouldn't have gotten so comfortable so quickly."

"we might have to think of other ways to get some of our magic back then, in case this is who i think it is." The moment Ink said that, Error sent him a seething look.

Error clenched his fists. "you're not laying a hand on her."

Ink rolled his eyes in mocking amusement. "wow, look at you! mr. bad guy turning into her prince charming all of a sudden? unless that place gets fixed without them getting interrupted by the culprit, there's no other way for us to get our magic back to help them!"

"idiot! if we don't have our full magic, he might not have them as well!" Error retorted angrily. "use your skull; shit for brains!"

While the rest of the skeletons were trying to calm both of them down, Dust, in the midst of their dispute, clasped his hands together anxiously. He wished his brother was here to comfort him right now.

He never realized how much of a relief it was not to have someone watching you 24/7 and putting your life in danger every time you made a mistake. He actually felt safe in your house. As a matter of fact, he felt safe with you.

But Ink was right. They wouldn't be able to do anything against him if they weren't able to get their full magic back. But then again, Error has a point too.

Dust looked up and observed everyone carefully. Dance and Sans were silent but tense, trying to keep their calm composure in this situation. Blue was slightly shaking, as if he were close to having a panic attack, as Lust tried his best to provide comfort to the guy. Red was in between Error and Ink, trying to stop the two from tearing at each other's throats.

This wasn't good.

"everyone, shut up!" He gritted his teeth as he watched everyone's attention shift to him. "i'm not really one to do this, but if (Y/n) were to find out everyone's losing their shit, it's just going to get her even more worried and put her at greater risk of danger!"

He crossed his arms. "If she knew about his existence, her mind's just going to be more vulnerable to him. We all know damn well we don't want that happening to her or her brother."

Blue gripped his gloved hands and straightened his spine. "you're—YOU'RE RIGHT! (Y/N) HAS KEPT ME IN CHARGE, THEREFORE I'M COMMANDING YOU GUYS TO KEEP CALM FOR HER SAKE!"

"i agree. (y/n) has done so much for us already. let's at least return the favor by keeping her safe." Lust let out a sigh of relief and nodded in agreement. He turned around and gave Ink a warning look. "so whatever you're thinking, don't even think about it."

Ink frowned. It seems like everyone was against his idea.

Error finally relaxed, making Red back down, seeing that they weren't going to fight anymore. Dance silently excused himself, muttering that he wanted some fresh air. Sans did the same thing and left, probably to go back inside his room.

"i didn't think you, of all monsters, would manage to get a hold of this situation." Red sighed with a tone of relief in his voice as he gave Dust a pat on the back. "good job. your brother would be proud."

"thanks," Dust silently muttered as he was finally left alone on the rooftop as Red disappeared down the stairs.

Papyrus, where are you?

• • •

"Creepy," you muttered as soon as you pulled over and stopped right in front of the old high school that got absolutely trashed, as Percy said. "Are you sure your college friends are here?"

Into You『 AU Sans x Badass!Reader 』Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora