Imagine #21 Chaennie 👩‍👩‍👧 G X G

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Plot summary: Jennie and Rosé have been married for four years. They are mommies to their 2 year old daughter called Roseanne. Roseanne falls ill one night. What will happen?

Jennie and Rosé have been married for 4 years. They met and instantly fell in love. It was definitely love at first sight on both sides. The world didn't approve of their relationship at first but they do now. Chaennie is inseparable. 2 years ago, Rosé gave birth to their daughter Roseanne Elizabeth Park-Kim (yes they named their kid after her). She was conceived via a sperm donor. Little Roseanne means the world to both Jennie and Rosé. She loves both her mommies. Jennie is mama and Rosé is mommy to her. Rosé is her biological mother out of the two of them. Roseanne is a loving, sweet and adorable little girl who loves to be with her mommies. Rosé and Jennie are proud mothers to their little girl. Sometimes there is a stigma of them being a same sex family. People sometimes asks where Roseanne's father is but they tell them that she doesn't have a daddy and two mommies who love her with all their hearts. They would do anything for their little princess

Jennie and Rosé love spending time with little Roseanne when they have both had a long day at work. Their little girl cheers them up and she puts a smile on their faces. They are a close family. Rosé is on her way to pick Roseanne up from nursery. Jennie will be home later. She arrives at the nursery and Roseanne was waiting inside with her things. "Hey, sweetie. How was your day?" Rosé asks. "Good, mommy. Missed you" Roseanne said. "Missed you too, baby" Rosie smiles. Rosé and Roseanne arrive home soon. Rosé always can't wait for her wife to get home. She will kiss her as soon as she walks through the door. Rosé sits on the couch and watches TV with Roseanne. She snuggles next to her. A couple of hours later the front door opens and Jennie walks in with a smile on her face like she usually does. "I'm home, my loves" she said. Rosie and Roseanne had drifted off a bit on the couch. "Mama" Roseanne exclaims. "How is my princess?" Jennie asks. Roseanne smiles. "And hows my other princess?" Jennie asks. "Great" Rosé smiles

Jennie and Rosé make dinner together while Roseanne watches TV. They always keep going to check on her like good mommies do. "Dinner will be ready soon, sweetie" Rosé said. "Okay" Roseanne replies. Soon all three of them sit down as a family and eat. Roseanne was picking at her food slightly. She didn't really have the appetite tonight. She usually eats well. You could say she's a foodie like Rosie. "Are you not hungry, Rosie pie?" Jennie asks. "No" she said shrugging her shoulders. "Come on, sweetie. You need to eat. I don't like to see you picking at your food" Rosé said. Roseanne looks at her and takes a bite of her chicken. "Good girl" she smiles. Roseanne only ate half of what's on her plate. Jennie and Rosé were a little concerned as she almost clears her plate. Anyway they tidy up after dinner and have some family time together

Jennie and Rosé start to realise that Roseanne wasn't looking so well. It's not like their little girl to be off her food and he fussy with it. They sit on the couch with Roseanne in the middle. "Baby girl, you're burning up" Rosé said feeling Roseanne's forehead. "Ohhhh she is. I'll get the thermometer" Jennie says. She rushes to their room and grabs the thermometer. She takes Roseanne's temperature and it was high. "Rosie, it's high. We need to get her to the hospital" Jennie panics. They get Roseanne in the car and Rosé sits with her in the back of the car while Jennie drives. Both of them were panicking right now. They think it's just a fever but not certain. They get Roseanne to the hospital as soon as they could. Jennie carries her in and they get directed to wait to be seen by the doctor. She was seen by the doctor about 10 minutes later. He examined little Roseanne. "She definitely has a fever. She's burning up. You did the right thing by getting her here" the doctor said. "Yeah we thought so. It was my call" Jennie said. "It was both our call. With rest and TLC she'll be okay" Rosé said. "Yeah she will. Don't worry. You two are good moms and she's a sweet little girl" the doctor smiles. Rosie picks up Roseanne and they leave the hospital. Their poor little girl has got a fever but she should be good with some rest and TLC

Rosé and Jennie get into bed when Roseanne was settled. That was a shock, taking her to the hospital. At least she will be okay in the next week or so. Jennie is in bed and Rosie is in the bathroom cleaning her teeth. She rolls into bed next to Jennie and shuffles closer to her when she's finished.  "Jen, I'm really worried about our baby girl. I hope she'll be okay" she said. "Rosie, I know you're worried and I am too for Roseanne. She means the world to the both of us. I was alarmed when she was burning up like that. She'll be fine soon so don't worry, my love" Jennie smiles. "Jennie, you and Roseanne are my everything's. I don't know what I'd do without you. My beautiful wife and our beautiful daughter" Rosé smiles. "Awwww I love you both so much too" says Jennie kissing Rosie. They fall asleep soon and try not to worry about Roseanne who was tucked up in her own bed

A few days later and little Roseanne was starting to pick up a bit and feel a bit better from being ill. Jennie and Rosé are glad their little girl is doing better as they were both worried sick about Roseanne. When you're a parent you worry about your children constantly. But Jennie and Rosé are so happy that Roseanne is doing better. They hate to see her not being her usual adorable self. Rosé is on her way back from work. Jennie stayed at home with Roseanne and will do till she's better. She is on her way home when she stops at the toy store. She wants to get Roseanne something cute for being a big and brave girl. She loves bunnies so Rosé sees a cute bunny and buys it for Roseanne. She will love it. Her face will light up when mommy walks through the door with it. Rosé arrives home soon. "I'm home, my beautiful girls" she said. "Hello, love. How was your day?" Jennie asks. "Yeah not too bad but I missed you two of course" Rosé replies. "We missed you two. Didn't we, Rosie?" Jennie says. "Anyway, Rosie. Mommy has got you something to cheer you up and make you feel extra better" Rosé said. "Ohhhhh" Roseanne exclaims running to Rosé. "Close your eyes" she said. Roseanne closes her eyes and Rosie hands the bunny to her. "Bunny bunny" she exclaims as soon as she saw it. "I know you love bunnies, sweetie so I had to get you one" Rosé said. "Love her" Roseanne smiles. "Aawwww I'm so glad you do, my darling" she said hugging her little girl. She picks Roseanne up and cuddles her for a few minutes. Jennie smiles and joins in too. Big family cuddles all around. Roseanne loves her new bunny. She's named her Summer. Rosé knows her baby girl too well. They have a nice evening together as a family of three

A week on Roseanne is much better now. She is back to her usually adorable self. Jennie and Rosé are just so glad that their baby girl is much better. Roseanne will be turning 3 soon. Today they are taking her to the park. She has missed going to the park since she became ill. Roseanne can't wait to have a fun time in the park. They are in the car now almost at the park. "Are you ready for some fun, Rosie?" Jennie said. "Yes, mama" Roseanne replies. They arrived at the park and park up getting Roseanne out of the car. They head straight to the play area and Roseanne starts playing. She can't play with the big kids just yet as she's still only little. "Mommy, play with me" she said to Rosé. "Of course, baby. Mommy would love to play with you" Rosé said. Rosé plays with Roseanne for a while and Jennie watches and joins in later. They took it in turns to go on the slide with Roseanne and push her on the swings. Roseanne just loves going to the park. That's the Rosie that her mommies know and love. Jennie, Rosé and Roseanne are one big happy family

A/ N: awwww so cute. I loved this one, Rosé and Jennie will be amazing mommies one day. I am going to bake my first daughter Roseanne. Roseanne Angela after my mom and Rosé of course. Not just because of her but I love the name too. Was going to be Lily but that's my cats name. Rosie is an amazing nickname for Roseanne

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