Imagine #20 Jisoo X Jin pt 2 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

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This is a part two of the first Jin x Jisoo imagine. It was requested by purpleluv2002

Jisoo and Jin's daughter Jiyeon is now 4 years old. They have another daughter called Yebin who is 2 years old. They are parents to two beautiful little girls and they couldn't be happier. They think God everyday for their little girls. They are amazing parents to Jiyeon and Yebin. Jisoo never expected to fall pregnant with Jiyeon when her and Jin were dating but they would never go back now because they have their two little princesses in their lives. Jiyeon and Yebin are both sweet, loving and affectionate little girls who love spending time with their famous parents. They don't understand that their mommy and daddy are super famous but they will understand anyway

Jin and Jisoo are getting ready to go to work. The girls go to nursery during the day when they are both working as they are not of school age yet. Jiyeon is in kindergarten and will be starting proper school when she is 5 years old. If Jisoo or Jin have a day off the girls are with them. They wake up at the normal time of 6:30am and get ready for the day. They both have long and busy days ahead of them. Jisoo goes into the girls room to get them up. They don't wake them up too early. They always make sure both of them are ready themselves first. "Rise and shine, little ones. Rise and shine" she said. Jiyeon opens her eyes and yawn. Yebin moans a bit. She is only two years old. The girls get up and have breakfast before getting ready. Not long before they were about to leave, Jin receives a text on his phone. "The studio has flooded so we can't go in today. Awe" he said. "Oh no. That's not good. Is it serious?" Jisoo replies. "Don't know but that means I get a day with my girls and they don't have to go to nursery" Jin said. "Yay, Appa. A day with you" Jiyeon exclaimed. "Definitely a day with you, my princesses" Jin smiles. "Okay since you're staying I better get going" Jisoo said grabbing her keys. "Alright see you later, jagiya. Girls say bye to mommy" he said. "Bye, mommy" Yebin says. "Bye, my loves" Jisoo said. She walks out the door. Jin gets a nice and unexpected day with his girls

Jin is so happy to get the day with his two beautiful girls. He doesn't get to spend a lot of nice quality time with them when he's working but today is an unexpected day off. They have the whole day to themselves before Jisoo gets home so they can do whatever they want. "So what should we do today, girls?" Jin asks Jiyeon and Yebin. "Ummmm watch movies" Jiyeon replies. "Dress appa up as a princess" Yebin laughs. "Yeah" Jiyeon asks. "Okay if you girls want but first let's watch a movie" Jin said. They settle down and start their day off with a morning movie. They go for something Disney of course and Jiyeon chooses Finding Dory. A movie the girls have seen over and over again but Jin doesn't mind. He would do anything for his little princesses. Jin sits in the middle of Jiyeon and Yebin with them in his arms

Jin and the girls have had a great day to themselves. Watching movies and doing girly things which he loved. Jin always loves spending time with his girls. Jisoo will be arriving home from work. She is on her way back now. Jin and the girls can't wait to see her. "Is mommy back yet?" Yebin asks. "Soon, baby girl. Soon" Jin replies. About 20 minutes later the front door of the Kim house opens and Jisoo walks. "Hello, my gorgeous family. I'm home" she said. "Hi, sweetie. How was your day?" Jin asks. "Good but better for seeing my favourite people in the world" Jisoo said. Jisoo smiles. "Hi, mommy" Jiyeon said. "Hi, my babies" Jisoo said. "I'm cooking tonight" Jin said. "Ohhhh what?" Jisoo replies. "You'll see. You need to relax first" he said. Jisoo goes into their shared bedroom and gets changed while Jin starts on the dinner. It's great to have her home

Jin makes dinner while Jisoo spends time with the girls. He likes being in the kitchen on his own without any distractions. He's a pretty good cook. Jisoo is sat in between the girls watching something on TV with them. She loves spending time with her girls before dinner. Jin serves up the dinner and they sit down and tuck in. "Delicious as usual" Jisoo said. "Thanks" he smiles. "Yummy, Appa" Jiyeon said. They eat up and enjoy. Just over an hour after dinner, Jin and Jisoo get the girls ready for bed. They always want a bedtime story and it was Jisoo's turn to read to them tonight. "What story do you want eomma to read you, girls?" Jisoo asks Jiyeon and Yebin. "Ummmm a good one" Jiyeon said. "Snow White. Snow White" Yebin exclaims. "Okay I suppose we got time for two" Jisoo said. She grabs the book and sits on hers and Jin's shared king sized bed. After one story the girls get sleepy and fall asleep in their arms. Jin has to carry them to bed. It's only usually one story they last out for. With both girls tucked up in bed. Jin and Jisoo could spend a little time together

It's the weekend and Jin and Jisoo are having a weekend at home with the girls. No plans really. Unless of course they want to go somewhere. They do anything for their girls do Jin and Jisoo. It's 8am and thru tend to have a lie in after working all week. It's a lie in to them which is good. Jisoo was first to open her eyes. She yawns and stretches in bed. Jin woke up a few minutes later. "Good morning, my beautiful wife" he said. "Good tango morning, my handsome husband" Jisoo smiles. "How did you sleep?" he asks. "Very well" she replies. Jin smiles and gives Jisoo a good morning hug and kiss. Soon they were distributed by Jiyeon running in. She often does that on a Saturday or a Sunday morning. "Hello, my little princess. How are you on this fine Saturday morning?" Jin asks. "Morning, Appa. I'm good" Jiyeon smiles. She gets on the bed in between Jin and Jisoo. She has cuddles with them for a while till Yebin wakes up and joins them. Then they all had breakfast after long cuddles

After breakfast the girls watch their usual morning weekend TV. Jin and Jisoo are tidying up in the kitchen after the breakfast. The girls having asked to go out today so they will probably just stay at home. "Do you girls want to do anything today?" Jisoo asks. "Just chill with mommy and daddy" Jiyeon said. "Okay sure we can do that" Jin smiles. Yebin smiles and hugs Jin. "Mommy and daddy I love you" Jiyeon said. "We love you too, princess" Jisoo smiles. They sit with the girls and watch something on TV for a while

Jin and Jisoo have a nice and relaxing Saturday at home with Jiyeon and Yebin. They watch TV, movies, play games and just enjoy spending time as a family while they can. It's not too often that they get this time together especially with Jin and Jisoo both have busy careers. "Eomma, can you paint our nails?" Jiyeon asks. "Sure, sweetie if you want me to" Jisoo smiles. Jiyeon and Yebin choose a colour from Jisoo's nail polish collection. They sit at the kitchen table while she paints their nails. Jiyeon is having purple and Yebin is having pink. Their favourite colours. "So pretty, eomma" Yebin said. "Indeed. My pretty girls" Jisoo replies. "My beautiful girls. I'm so blessed. The luckiest man in the world to have you three" Jin smiles giving his wife and daughters a kiss. "We are so lucky to have you. Aren't we, girls?" Jisoo says. Jiyeon and Yebin smile. They all smile together. Jin and Jisoo are the luckiest parents in the world to have two beautiful little princesses

A/ N: hope you liked that. Thanks for requesting it purpleluv2002 i enjoyed writing it. Jin and Jisoo would name such amazing parents one day. Ahhhh

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