Imagine #36 Rosé X Bang Chan 🇦🇺

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This imagine features the Aussie line of Kpop (Bang Chan and Felix Stray Kids, Jake ENHYPEN, Lily NMIXX)

Rosé and Bang Chan have known each other for years. They both grew up in Australia together in the same neighbourhood. Rosé's brothers are Felix and Jake. They are younger than her. Chan's sister is Lily and Jake likes her. Chan has feelings for Rosé. Rosé secretly likes Chan but she is in denial about her feelings. Chan is a sweet guy who always looks out for everyone. Felix and Jake these Rosé about Chan as they are her brothers and they can. She laughs at them and ignores them as she is denying that she likes Chan. One day she will realise her feelings

Rosie has just got home from seeing her friends. She was out seeing her closet girl friends today. Felix and Jake are at home and so is their older sister Alice. Rosie didn't tell them where she was going or who she was seeing. She doesn't tell her siblings everything because it's not always their business. Rosie opens the front door of their home and walks in. She walks into the lounge and Felix and Jake are playing games on the TV. "Oh hey, sis" Felix said. "Where did you go, RoRo?" Jake asked. Yes he calls her RoRo. "Just seeing my friends. That's all" Rosie replies. "Was Chan one of them?" Felix asks. "No what's your obsession with him anyway. It was just my girls thank you very much" she said. "Ohhhhh someone's getting defensive now" Felix said. "Felix, shut up. You're so annoying. I'll tell mum" Rosie said. "We are only teasing you and having fun, Rosie posie. No need to be so uptight and serious. It's banter" Jake said. Rosie goes upstairs and ignore them. Her brothers can be silly and annoying boys sometimes. They jumped to the conclusion that she was seeing Chan when she wasn't. Just seeing her girls

Chan has been texting Rosie more but she has not been replying to him. She doesn't really know what to say to him. He wants to meet her and go out with her. Jake is seeing Lily but they are not dating yet. Just still friends at the moment. Chan wants to be more than friends with Rosie though but she doesn't know if she feels the same. Rosie doesn't want to fall in love with anyone just yet. She is not ready for love yet. Rosie is at home sitting on her bed looking at her phone. Her phone rings and it's Chan. She doesn't hesitate to answer it. "Hi" she said. "Hi, Rosie. It's Chan. You okay?" he asks. "Yes I'm fine" Rosie replies. "I was wondering if you wanted to meet up. You know maybe for an ice cream or something" Chan said. "Sure. When?" she says. "Tomorrow. I won't ask you now" he said. "Sure okay. I'll meet you for an ice cream tomorrow. It will be nice" she replies. "That's great, Rosie. I'll look forward to seeing you" Chan said. Rosie hung up without saying bye. The truth is she is kinda nervous around guys especially ones like Chan. She will meet Chan tomorrow for delicious ice cream

The next day and Rosie and Chan are meeting for ice cream at the ice cream place in town. Just the right night for ice cream. Rosie is getting ready. She's a bit nervous to see Chan as it's been a while since they both saw each other. She puts on jeans and a nice top with a jacket and nice shoes too before leaving. Chan is on his way to the ice cream place. Rosie gets a lift off a friend. She didn't want to tell her brothers that she was meeting Chan as she would never hear the end of it. She arrives and walk in and there was Chan waiting inside for Rosie. "Hi, Rosie" he said. "Hi" she said. He awkwardly hugs her and they join the line for ice cream. Rosie and Chan then found a table. Rosie was awkward. She didn't know what to say. Chan breaks the silence and says "Rosie, I-I-I like you. More than a friend. I think you're an amazing and beautiful girl. The only one I like. Other girls are not like you. You're one of a kind, Roseanne Park" Chan said. Rosie was taken back. She didn't know what to say. "I-I-I like you too, Chan but as a friend" she says. "Oh as I friend. That's alright" he said. "Sorry, Chan. You are really a great guy" Rosie said. "Thank you. That means a lot" Chan smiles. Chan felt sad when Rosie said that but they just carried on talking as friends after that. Chan was hoping that Rosie's response would be the same

A few weeks on and Rosie and Chan haven't seen each other again. She's kinda been thinking about what he said to her. Maybe she does like him more than a friend. Rosie gives Lily guitar lessons so she's over at their place once sometimes twice a week to tutor her. Lily is enjoying learning guitar from Rosie. She is over now and Chan is due to come home soon. Rosie and Lily are in the backyard. She is teaching her a song she wrote called Gone. Not based on anything in particular. Just a song Rosie wrote and is proud of. Lily learns guitar pretty quick. "That's it. You got it, girl" Rosie said. Chan returns home soon. He hears Rosie and Lily in the backyard. "Hi, girls. Sorry to interrupt" he said. "It's okay, bro" Lily replies. "Hi" Rosie smiles. Rosie finishes teaching Lily and walks into the kitchen where Chan is. "How did it go?" Chan asks. "Yeah fine" she replies. "Did you two eat?" he asks. "Nah I'm fine though. Not really hungry" she replies. "Not even a snack?" he asks. "Chan, I only live up the road. Thank you" Rosie smiles. Rosie gets a glass of water. "Chan, we need to talk" she said. "Sure. Is there something wrong, Rosie" Chan replies. "No not really. Just wanted to say I am sorry for everything" Rosie said. "Rosie, why do you have to be sorry. You've done nothing wrong" he replies. "I'm afraid I upset you when you told me you liked me" she said. "No no I was just a little disappointed you didn't feel the same way" Chan said. "Chan, well I think I was wrong then" she said. "About liking me" he said. "Yes I guess. I've never liked anyone before. I never thought I could fall for anyone. I've always been somewhat awkward around guys but I know you genuinely like me. I've always been scared of falling for someone and someone liking me" Rosie said. Chan looked at her and gathered what to say. "So are you trying to say you like me, Roseanne" he said. "Yes I think so" she smiles. "Are you sure you feel the same way? I want you to be sure. Don't just say this because I admitted my feelings to you" Chan said. "No, Chan. I think I'm sure" Rosie said. He looks at her and smiles reaching out for her hands. He wants Rosie to know this moment is right

Rosie and Chan are still friends. Not dating yet. Although they are getting closer. Just still mates. On this beautiful day they are at the beach with Felix, Jake and Lily. Jake and Lily are now dating. It's just casual though. They are just enjoying dates and each other's company. It's a beautiful day on the beach and Chan has brought food and a disposable barbecue to do a barbecue for all of them. It's kinda tradition in Australia to have a barbecue on the beach. Chan is barbecuing now with Felix's help. "Let's throw a shrimp on the barbie, mate" Felix said to Chan. Everyone laughs. "Felix, you're a funny boy" Rosie said. The boys barbecue some delicious food for them and they all eat. "Let us know if it's good" Chan said. "Yeah it's good" Lily smiles. "Really really nice" Rosie replies. They all had their swimming costumes on so they went for a swim in the warm sea. Felix was the first to jump in. He laughs. Lily and Jake follow behind them. Then Rosie and Chan get in. "Warm" she said. "Yes just the way we like it" Chan laughs. All five of them enjoy swimming for a while. They had a lot of fun playing and splashing about in the sea. Felix, Jake and Lily go off to play with a ball after. Rosie and Chan take a walk on the beach together. "Great day. Eh" she said. "Yes definitely. Ain't nothing like a nice day on the beach with friends" Chan said. "You're right" Rosie giggles. Chan couldn't take his eyes off Rosie in her bikini. They walked for sometime and then stopped and sat down on the sand. They both look at each other and make eye contact. Chan shuffles closer to Rosie and puts his arm around her. She smiles at him but doesn't say anything. Chan looked at her and leaned closer and kissed her. Rosie backed away at first but then kissed him back. "Sorry" he laughs. "Don't apologised. I enjoyed kissing you. You were good" Rosie replies. "Thank you. I'm flattered. You were good too" Chan chuckles. He touches her hand and her heart skipped a beat. Rosie and Chan walk along the beach together and he gives her a piggyback ride all the way back. "Don't drop me" she laughs. "No I won't" he replies. Rosie and Chan definitely have something between them now but he hasn't asked her I'm be his girlfriend yet. Maybe sometime soon

A/ N: hope you liked this Rosie imagine with Chan. Though I could do something with the Aussie line if Kpop with Jake and Felix as Rosie's brothers and Lily as Chan's sister. I hope you liked it. Chan is a gentleman. Not my bias in SKZ

Need that BP comeback asap

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