OT4 as Moms- Rosé 💖

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This is a continuation of the OT4 as moms imagine. Here is Rosé's story

Rosé has been divorced for the last few months after her rotten husband cheated on her with two other women. She didn't find out about the affairs till quite late on. She divided her husband with another woman in their bed. Rosé was so broken hearted when she saw her husband cheating on her. She thought she loved this man but he went and did the dirty on her. Rosie has to stay strong for her two girls Lily and Heidi who she loves dearly. The girls still see their father but on it sometimes. Rosé wouldn't keep her children from seeing their father. She is not that kind of person. Rosie has been out off men now. She thinks she'll be single for the rest of her life. She struggled a lot mentally during the divorce. She is rid of that man now and can focus on her baby girls. Rosé is a kind, loving and amazing mother to her girls. She always puts them first no matter what. Lily and Heidi are both mamas girls no matter what. They are too young to understand what went wrong with their parents marriage but they might understand in the future

Rosé is having a nice relaxing Sunday with her girls at home. Think it calls for a Disney day. Rosie is just as much of a Disney fan as Lily and Heidi. She lets the girls pick the movies. They can't wait for their Disney day. They are starting soon. "Mommy, can we have popcorn and chocolate?" Lily asks. "Yes of course you can, sweetie. You can have whatever you like" Rosé replies. Rosé puts some popcorn in the microwave to pop. Heidi likes to watch the popcorn pop. She is intrigued by it. The girls sit down on the couch with Rosé in the middle. "What movie do you want to watch, my little munchkins?" she asks. "Ummm a Disney princess one" Lily said. "Me choose" Heidi says. "Okay. Heidi can choose first. What would you like to watch?" Rosé asks. "Hmmmm Moana" Heidi replies. One of her favourites. Rosé has the bowl of popcorn on her lap and the girls keep reaching for it. She absolutely loves days like this. The girls kept on cuddling to ti her for hugs and kisses. They love their mommy so much. After they watched Moana, it was Lily's turn to choose a movie. "Mommy, can we watch Tangled?"
she asks. "Of course, my sweet girl" Rosé smiles at her eldest daughter. They sit back and watch Tangled together. Rosie loves it too. Rosé and her girls had a lovely Disney day together at home. After they watched Beauty And The Beast which was Rosé's choice and Cinderella live action which was the girls choice. What a wonderful day they had?

The day after it's Monday. Both the girls go to nursery while Rosé is at work. They don't mind going to nursery but would rather be home sometimes. They are reminiscing their Disney day yesterday and how amazing it was. Rosé is on her way to pick the girls up. They go to a childminders after nursery when she's working later. She never works super late nights as her girls are her number one priority. She sets off from the studio and arrives at the childminders place. Lily and Heidi were ready to go. "Mommy" Heidi exclaims. "Hi, my girls. How was your day?" Rosie asks. "Good. I'm tired" yawns Lily. "Look what I made" Heidi says handing her mommy a picture she drew of Rosé with her girls. The girls are always making things for Rosé. "Wow! That's excellent, Heidi. You are so creative. I love this one" Rosie says. Heidi smiles. The girls get into the car and leave to go home. "Are you hungry, girls?" Rosie asks. "Yes" Lily replies. "Well how about I treat you to a McDonald's" she said. "Yay! Happy meal" Heidi said. "Okay. We're almost there". Rosé never lets the girls eat fast food but this is a one off treat since it's Friday. Lily and Heidi order a happy meal and Rosé orders chicken nuggets and fries for herself. She's not the biggest fast food fan but she'll eat it if the girls are. She loves to see her girls happy. It puts a huge smile on her face. Little Heidi had ketchup on her hands and mouth so Rosé had to wipe it off. "Come here, you" she said. Heidi laughs. "Silly, sister" Lily laughs. Rosie takes her girls home after they had finished at McDonald's. They had a good time. Rosé loves to treat her girls

Rosé's ex Dongwook has been causing a little trouble lately and wanting to see the girls more. He gets them twice a month. Two Saturdays out of four. He wants them more but the courts have only granted him two times a month. There is nothing Rosé can do. She's letting him get to her again. She's going to be the same way she was when she found out about the affairs. She was depressed and down for weeks and couldn't carry on for weeks. She thought she loved Dongwook but he did the dirty on her. Lily sometimes has nightmares. Another reason why Rosé can't sleep. She doesn't want her baby to be scared. Rosie used to gave nightmares as a child too. It's the middle of the night and Rosie is struggling to sleep with things going through her mind. She was woken up by Lily running in tears. "Mommy, mommy" she cries. "Baby, what on Earth is the matter?" she said. "I had a nightmare" Lily said. "Tell me everything, Lily boo" Rosé said lifting Lily up on the bed next to her. "I had a dream that daddy took me and Heidi far far away and we never saw you again. Is that true?" Lily sobs. "Lily, of course it isn't. He would never do that" Rosé said. "But it seemed true" Lily cries. "Come here, Lily. Mama has got you" she smiles. Rosie holds Lily close and comforts her and dries her tears. She hopes that is never true that Dongwook doesn't true the girl from her. That would be an evil thing to do. Lily has these nightmares sometimes. She spelt in Rosé's bed that night

Dongwook has stopped causing trouble now. He has accepted that he only gets to see the girls twice a month. Actually Rosé has got a restraining order against him so he can't go near her. Only when he has the girls. She was thinking smart so he didn't do the worst thing and take the girls away from her. The girls saw their father yesterday so they are with Rosé tonight where they love to be the most. It's almost bedtime and Lily and Heidi love nothing more than bedtime stories before they go to bed so Rosé is going to read them a bedtime story. It's Heidi' turn to pick up. "Okay, Heidi. What story would you like to pick?" Rosé asks her youngest daughter. Heidi runs over to the bookshelf and picks a book. She goes for the Princess And The Frog. Rosé sits in the middle of the girls and starts reading to them. They are in Lily's room. She will carry Heidi to her room if she falls asleep. The girls love their mommy reading to them. They love the voices she does. "Another one" Heidi exclaims. "I think that's enough, babies. You girls are getting tired and need to sleep" Rosé said. Heidi looked disappointed. They were sleepy so they went to sleep. Rosie kisses Lily Goodnight and takes Heidi into her room. She kisses her Goodnight too and goes and has sometime to herself. Rosé would do anything for her precious baby girls

A/ N; think this one is a little longer but its Rosie guys. My fave. My queen. I could just imagine  her as a mommy to two little girls. She would be an amazing girl mama. Awwww so cute

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