Imagine #10 Rosé 💔X Male Reader

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Plot summary: Rosé's boyfriend left her. She is so heartbroken and depressed and not coping well. Will she be able to trust her again?

This imagine is based on Gone

All Rosé's love has gone. She had been dumped by her boyfriend of 6 months Y/ N. She thought she loved him and their relationship was going well until he said he didn't want to be with her anymore. Rosie's heart shattered into a million little pieces. She fell apart and she thinks she'll never be the same again. The girls Gond her she'll get over it but Rosie isn't so sure. She thought she was a girl in love. She wrote a song about him called Gone. She put her feelings in a song to express how she felt

It's been a few weeks since Y/ N left Rosé. She is not coping well from the breakup to say the least. It hasn't gone public yet either. This was Rosie's first real relationship. Everybody will go through a breakup at least once in their life. Rosé is quite an emotional and sensitive person anyway. She thought she loved this guy but clearly not. Her friends and family keep on checking up on her to see how she's doing but boy good is the answer every time. Rosie will get stronger over time

Rosie is sat on her couch in her apartment on her own waiting for the time to pass so she can go to bed. She is tired and exhausted from everything. From the aftermath of the breakup and the pain he caused her. Her intercom system goes off and she answers it. "Hello" she said. "Hi, Rosie. It's me" Jennie says. "Hey, Jen" Rosé said. "Are you in?" she says. "Yes of course. I'm answering the system" Rosé said. "Oh yeah silly me. Can I come up?" Jennie laughs. "Sure". A couple of minutes later, Jennie comes up to Rosé's apartment. "Hey, girl. How are you doing?" she asks. "Okay. Not really" Rosie replies. "Well I brought dinner. I thought you needed to eat and we can talk things out too" Jennie says. "Great" Rosé smiles. Jennie puts the food on the kitchen table and the girls tuck in. Rosé hasn't been eating properly or looking after herself since it happened but at least Jennie is here to look after her

A few more weeks have passed and Rosie's heart still hasn't healed. She's doing a little better than she was doing at first but still heartbroken after loosing her love. She's heard that Y/ N has moved on and met someone else. He has a new woman in his life. Rosie doesn't know weather to believe those rumours or not. She's only heard from people. She still has feelings for him but is mainly hurt from the way he left her. It was his fault why they ended. Rosie's friends and family are helping her get through it though

Rosé is heading out to the supermarket to pick up some groceries. Most of the time she gets her shopping delivered to her place but she wasn't able to this week. She arrives at the supermarket and grabs a cart and starts shopping around the aisles getting what she needs. Which is quite a lot of things but it was okay. Rosé gets what she needs. From a distance she spots Y/ N and his new girlfriend. She stopped and thought for a moment. She was so surprised to see him with someone new. She knew the rumours were true now. The memories came flooding back to her. She finished her shopping though

Rosie sits in her car after she has finished shopping. She starts looking at pictures of her and Y/ N on her phone. The memories come back and Rosie starts crying. She was startled by a tap on the window. She winds down the window and it was Y/ N. "Rosie, what's the matter?" he said. "Nothing" she said. "You're crying" he said. "I saw you with another girl and it brought back the memories. I'm not over you, Y/ N" Rosie said. "Roseanne, I've moved on now. I don't think about you anymore or not really. Our time was good but I think I ended it at the right time" Y/ N said. "That's no excuse, Y/ N. You broke my heart into a million pieces" Rosie sobs. "Well" he said shrugging his shoulders and walking away. Rosie was really scarred from seeing Y/ N with someone else. She didn't know what to do

Y/ N tried to fix things with Rosé when things didn't work out with his new girlfriend. She didn't want him back. She can't trust him anymore. She doesn't want him back because she's afraid he will do the same and break her heart. Rosie has learnt from her mistakes and trusting men like him. She was wise not to go back to him. Y/ N tried all he can to get back into Rosie's life but it just didn't work. Hopefully she'll find love again in the future and her heart won't get broken

A/ N: hope you liked that one. Sorry for the slow updates. I just had to do an imagine based on Gone. It's a great song and I learnt it on guitar. Might do one based on On The Ground in the future. Poor Rosie. She's so heartbroken

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