Along the way, he found a discarded robe nearby the village, far enough to be unseen by its occupants.

He decided to wear it, concealing not only his face but also attire. He was cautious after seeing the rather medieval buildings.

Keeping his sword hidden underneath the ragged robes, he entered the village. Guards wearing chainmail and a helmet and all carried weapons. At the wooden walls were archers, the gates stationed spearmen and some patrols carried either swords or a dagger and small shield.

He managed to enter the the village without hassle, as the Guards only asked what his purpose was within the village.

So he lied about being an injured traveler. He had to limp slightly to sell that he was injured, his acting was convincing and the Guards immediately allowed him in.

He took his time taking in the view. Stone and wooden buildings littered each side of the street and not only that, but strange women roamed around as well, most however were with men.

Some has horns, others have equine features, there are also those occasionally flying around with wings for arms.

Not bothering with them, he went on through. He found himself in front of a tavern, and decided to go in to see if he could grab something to eat. Though for currency...

Sitting down on one of the empty table, far away from most of the tavern's patrons. A waitress approached him, she has features that greatly resembled that of a cat but with an added second tail.

If he remembers correctly, back when he was training in Japan to fully master his sword style. He has read upon thousands of books of literature, history, and the supernatural of Japan.

Man: A Nekomata.

The Nekomata heard him, and as if to get more out of him. She smirked smugly and placed a hand on her hims.

Nekomata: What? Is it your first time seeing one?

He huffed with a smirk.

Man: As the matter of fact, indeed. It is my first time meeting one.

Nekomata: Hah, well you better take a good look dear patron. Who knows? Maybe maybe the next time you'll see more of my kind might take too long. Maybe even this'll be your last time seeing me single~

Man: My, quite a flirt are we?

Nekomata: It comes from the family. So what would you like to order?

Man: This is my first time within this establishment, and such. I have no knowledge of what delicacies your tavern might have. Care to make a suggestion?

The Nekomata placed a furry appendage on her chin.

Nekomata: Hm, I see. For starters, why not have our grilled steak with the side of mushroom pasties? Well, it might put a dent in your coin pouch though.

The man smirked under his hood.

Man: Very well, I'll have what you suggested me. But before that, do you know anyone who can pawn me an item?

As he said it, he pulled out something under his robes. He placed it on the table and the eyes of the Nekomata went wide as dinner plates.

The item itself was shaped into a diamond with perfect cuts. It is gold in color and at the center is what seems to be a golden gemstone.

The Nekomata almost stumbled upon seeing such a valuable item but managed to compose herself.

Nekomata: I'll bring one right away as soon as I deliver your order sir!

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