Repetition of the Past

Start from the beginning

"Who said I want your love Jimin? I said I want your heart- your heart, broken or not, and everything else of what is mine."

His mind hurt from thinking- hurt form the million questions in his head.
He wanted to ask what gave him the right to touch him like this. To think he could have his heart but not his love. To think he would ever give him anything ever again.
But all that left him was: "Then why only come now? You had two years! Two years to seek me out, and you never did!"

Seong-Min smiled.
Oh God... the fear deepened, changing to panic at that little, dark smile.

"You think I didn't come find you? I did. It took me no longer than two weeks to figure out where you'd gone. And I came to the school- came to see you on your enrollment day. I saw you and I knew." He let out a long breath, shifting his weight closer, his hair falling around them like a curtain, trapping him in the nightmare of his eyes.
"I knew I still owed your heart. I still had your everything. I was there, in every moment you breathed. It was my face you saw when other's approached you. It was me you thought of when someone talked to you or tried to be your friend. It was my memory that haunted your nightmares. The fear, the pain, the heartbreak- that's what made you such a good dancer because you put it all in your expression, in your body, all that I did to you. You focused on training and practicing so you could try and forget me. I did that! I made you who you are, Jimin. I am the reason you managed to get so far. Why you became the best dancer at the school. I didn't need you to see me. I was already in your heart, so I simply watched you. I watched you still having me in your heart and mind and everywhere else."

Seong-Min's breathing had turned ragged, every inhale making his buff chest braze against his. 
"But I wasn't the only one." 

Jimin's eyes widened and Seong-Min let a little, knowing smile show.
"Yes. Jungkook was watching you and I was watching him. I knew he was in love with you before anyone else did. I knew that look. It was how you once looked at me when we were younger, before we got together. That longing. That uncertainty. The fear of the other not reciprocating your feelings.
I let him, because it was fun to see his pining, knowing he could never have you because you were so completely mine."

His face transformed into a hateful snarl, the grip around his neck tightening again. 
"I came to see you about every two weeks, so imagine my surprise when I came back and saw you get out of HIS car!" Seong-Min's body trembled with rage. 
"Saw him make you smile, the way you allowed him to touch you, the way he introduced you to the rest of his harloting squat! Saw him take away the thing that was mine!"

Jimin couldn't breath, but it wasn't because of his hand around his neck. It was because of the words ruining his world. The hate and anger behind them. The growing knowledge that Seong-Min loathed Jungkook, maybe even more than he wanted him. 
He had to tell Jungkook. He had to find a place far away from Seong-Min and tell him everything. Explain why he'd been lying, try to reason with him and make him cool off so he wouldn't attack Seong-Min in blind rage. But he couldn't let this go on. Because this person in front of him wanted to hurt Jungkook. Wanted him to suffer for what he believed the younger had taken from him. Seong-Min was sick. Sick and twisted and Jimin no longer knew where he would draw the line. He thought him capable of just about anything. 

Seong-Min sighed, and Jimin's eyes focused on him again, the fear paralyzing him. 
"Oh, my sweet, darling. You love him, don't you? Do you love him as much as you once loved me?"
Jimin said nothing. 
He couldn't change the way he had felt back then- this all consuming love he believed he had shared with Seong-Min. The happiness that had made him feel like bursting with energy, barely containable. The way he had looked at him and believed him to be the most wonderful, special person in this entire world. 
But the way he felt about it now had changed. 
Jungkook had changed that. 
For two long years, no matter how much his hate and anger for them had slumbered in him, he had blamed himself most of all. He had felt stupid and blind and naïve. Your own damn fault, his inner self had whispered constantly. That's why he had closed himself off. It was fear-yes, but also self-loathing. A punishment he found fitting of his crime to love and trust so blindly. 

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