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- John/Molly: Jolly

First of all, no

second for me they'd be the best friends who protect Sherlock, they'd go through seas and mountains all that to save him, etc.

But other than that, no, they don't have any tension, connection, nothing, so no.

- John/Irene: Jorene, Jirene

Ok, wait a second, no

I think I'd be a very funny friendship in which Irene would take control over everything just to make John mad, and she and Sherlock would probably team up for that purpose, other than that specific case, no.

- John/Moriarty: Johniarty

- John/Moran: Joran, Johnbastian

I put those two together because both of them can only be used in one case scenario:

If Moriarty or Moran abused John and then left his to be healed by toll beanpole Sherlock, I still would hate it so much, but I would hate it even more if it was a normal relationship, so no.

- John/Mycroft: Johncroft

I don't understand why.

Sure they do appear a lot together and all that, but what is the main subject of their meetings? Our favourite depressed sociopath William Sherlock Scott Holmes, they love him so much and both John and Mycroft want him to be safe, and sound, but he's a moron so he just drugs himself for two months, yay.

So, again, no.

- John/Lestrade: Johnstrade

I really like seeing them getting annoyed and facepalming as a result of Sherlock being just Sherlock, but I would never, not even in a million years ship them.

- John/Mary: Warstan

This is tough, ok, so do I ship them? No

Do I agree with their marriage? Also no. But if they must have got married for a reason, I think they did have a nice relationship and they even had a child, so they did have a connection.

It all ended when Mary's backstory came out and John was furious, at the level that he "cheated" on her with Sherlock's sister apparently.

(A/N: I just realized that he did in fact cheat on Mary with Sherlock's sister and I am laughing my arse off, come on Jawn!?)

But at the end of it Mary was a very nice person and you could just feel tta she too shipped them so much. I wasn't so sad when she died, mostly 'cause Mystrade was happening, but who cares.

(A/N: sorry if this was a short one, but none of these ships deserved to be deeply analyzed since they don't make any sense at all, hope you enjoyed next there'll be Molly and Moriarty)

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