Our Dark Savior

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As Rhea and Ava were arguing, Rhea noticed that the mountainside began to slowly cave in, which signaled to them the end of the fight that was going on beneath it.

Ava: No... No, no, no, no, no... There's no way they're gone... They can't be... No, this can't be happening... I refuse to believe this is really true!

As Ava began to break down into tears, Rhea, as well as all of the other civilians, simply continued to look on at the debris that they had just seen collapse on top of their comrades.

Rhea: Well.. at least he's dead, now...

Ava: Wh-wh-what?

Rhea: Your friends and Reaver each perished, but they didn't die in vain... Thanks to them, the Black Reaper is now dead as well... Olympus may now be able to once again find its balance...

Ava: My friends... Reaver... Steve... They all risked their lives so we could make it out of there, and you're just gonna talk like it was this noble sacrifice that was meant to happen?!

Rhea: Listen, if the gods will it so, then I will not go against it... Besides, you talk like they could've survived it, but you know just as well as I do that there is no physically possible way that they are still ali-

Just before Rhea could finish her thought, a dark purple portal opened in the air above them and released Sub, Neos, Reaver, and a still unconscious Steve. Both shocked and relieved at the sight that they had just witnessed, the civilians began to cheer as the group began to slowly make their way up with Neos and Sub picking up the absent minded Steven. Ava immediately ran to the three and hugged them as tight as she could and immediately began to question them about what had happened.

Ava: I can't believe you guys are alive! What happened to Steve?! Where's the Black Reaper?! What did you guys just come out of?! What-

Sub: I appreciate the enthusiasm, Ava, but we really need to relocate and find somewhere for Steve to rest.

Neos: Yeah, we'll explain everything soon, we promise, but for right now, Steve needs to be our top priority.

Rhea began to seem slightly anxious about seeing the group again, almost as if she were unhappy to see them still alive.

Rhea: I'm glad you guys are alive... Now, if you may be so kind as to follow me, I'll lead you all to an area not too far from here that we should be able to rest...

The civilians, as well as the group, were quick to agree to her offer, and they began to follow her as they made their way through the forest and hills that surrounded them. They kept walking for about another hour with the sun slowly setting on them until finally, they had made their way to the ruins of what seemed to be an old city. Once they had gotten there, everyone had begun to get a bit more comfortable as Neos and Sub sat Steve down on a long, flat rock, in order for him to rest. As the civilians all began to slowly fall asleep, Sub was quick to notice that Reaver seemed more than a bit uneasy about being in the particular location they were at.

Sub: Hey, Reaver, you doin alright?

Reaver: Oh, y-y-yeah... It's just...

Reaver remained silent for quite sometime until he had finally mustered up the courage to finish his statement.

Reaver: This was my home... This was Delphi...

Sub: Oh, shit... Reaver, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories...

Reaver: It's fine... You didn't bring up any memories that haven't already been lingering in my mind as it is... You were just trying to make sure I was alright, that's all... I thank you...

Once Reaver had finished speaking and continued to look back at the moon that was slowly rising in the sky, Rhea walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder, which made him flinch a bit, almost as if to signal that he was a bit anxious to be around Rhea again.

Rhea: Remember, the Black Reaper did all of this... You four put to rest the man that killed your family and brought ruin to this place... You should be proud of that...

Reaver: That's just it, though... The Black Reaper's not dead...

Rhea: Wait, what? What do you mean, "he's not dead?"

Reaver: What I mean is that he made it out alongside us... As a matter of fact.. he was the only reason that we made it out of that alive...

Rhea: Wait a minute, Reaver, back up a minute... Are you trying to say that the Black Reaper saved your lives?

Reaver: That's not what I'm trying to say... That's what I am saying... As far as why he did it, your guess is as good as mine, but he could've just left us all to die if he really wanted to... The fact is he didn't... He saved us, Rhea...

Rhea: Reaver, are you sure you didn't hit your head or something? You can't be serious about what you're saying, right?

Sub: Oh, but he is being serious...

As Sub commented on the conversation between Rhea and Reaver, all eyes quickly became drawn to him, for everyone knew that he had no intention of telling any lie about anything.

Sub: Steve had went a bit nuts and tried to use his Delta powers in the bunker in hopes of beating the Black Reaper. The Black Reaper put in so much of his power that it not only beat Steve, but it knocked him out as well. After their powers met, it caused the entire bunker to begin to cave in, but as it was about to fall down on top of us, he ordered for each of us to get around him and teleported us out of there... Call him what you will, but at that point in time, he was very literally our savior...

Rhea: No... You guys have to go to be kidding me... He isn't a good guy! He's a monster and deserves to rot in Hades for being who he is!

Reaver: Hey, Rhea, calm down for just a minute-

Rhea: Shut up! You're against me as well, so what good would listening to you do?! Just... Damnit! I can't take this shit right now!

Rhea was quick to storm off, leaving the entire group both confused and concerned.

Neos: The hell's her deal?

Sub: Yeah, is she one of those people that doesn't like to believe in change or something?

Reaver: I'm not sure... I've never seen her act that way before...

Neos: Eh, forget it... Right now, all I wanna know is why the Black Reaper did what he did...

Sub: Yeah, you're right... Hey, I'm gonna go on a walk for a minute. I'll be right back, ok?

Neos: Uhhh... Alright, I guess? Just don't be gone for too long.

Sub: Don't worry, I won't be.

As Sub began to slowly walk off, he began to think to himself about the plan that he had just come up with in his mind.

Sub: Now, time to find you and find out the truth about all of this...

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