A Not So Warm Welcome

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In Universe Olympus, a portal opened in the sky with Steve, Neos, Sub, and Ava all falling out of it. Noticing that they're falling, they each begin to panic until Steve quickly comes up with an idea.

Steve: Guys, wait! Glide over to me!

Neos: What, why?! So we can die hugging?!

Steve: Just do it, alright?!

The group began to glide over to Steve with them inching closer and closer to the ground.

Steve: Ok, everyone hold onto me!

Sub: Steve, what're you up to?!

Steve: Don't worry about that right now, just trust me!

The three did as Steve requested and wrapped themselves around him with them all about to hit the ground. Just as they were about to though, Steve smacked his forearms together to form an "X" formation which activated his Delta Shield just before they hit. Once they had hit the ground, everyone slowly made their way up and realized that they were perfectly fine. Steve, on the other hand, was completely exhausted and was breathing extremely heavily.

Neos: Woah, bro, are you alright? You seem like you're about to pass out.

Steve: Who, me? Yeah, I'm fine. That landing just wore me out a bit is all.

Sub: Well, I'll give one thing to ya, Steve: Your plan worked out perfectly, and because of that, we are officially in Universe Olympus.

The group all made their way to the edge of the hillside that they had landed on and looked at the beautiful city the sun was slowly rising over.

Ava: That place looks so beautiful!

Neos: I can honestly say that I've not seen a more lovely looking place.

Steve: Well, what're you guys waiting for? Let's go on ahead and check it out!

The group members were all quick to agree with Steve's suggestion, and they each began to slowly make their way down the hillside and to the city that laid below. As they were making their way down the grassy slump, Steve and Ava held hands the entire time and talked about the new world around them.

Steve: It sure is beautiful, isn't it?

Ava: It sure is. The trees are so green, and the sky is so blue! I'm not sure if even our universe is as amazing as this one is.

Steve: Yeah, me neither. That's why I'm even more curious as to who this "Black Reaper" guy is...

Steve began to slowly doze off into his own thoughts which Ava noticed, and she was quick to call him out on it.

Ava: Hey, Steve, what're you thinking about?

Steve: Oh, nothing really. I guess I just kinda dozed off for a minute there, I'm sorry.

Ava: You're worried, aren't you?

Steve was amazed that Ava could see right through the tiny fib that he was trying to tell.

Steve: H-how did you know?

Ava: Steve, when you're scared, you just have this aura about you that shows it. It's the same way when you're happy, sad, mad, or any emotion really. You just have this presence that makes it easy to sense what you're feeling. Honestly, you wear your heart on your sleeve in just about every way.

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