The Black Reaper

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As the group were about to run towards the explosion, Steve stopped and turned to Ava.

Steve: Ava, I need you to make sure that the people get to safety. Can you do that for me?

Ava: You can count on me.

Steve: I'm glad to hear it. Sub and Neos, I think you guys know just as well as I do what's coming up next.

Neos: Oh, yeah! We get to fight again!

Sub: Let's knock him dead!

Steve: Glad to hear the enthusiasm. Now, let's go!

Steve, Neos, and Sub all began to run for the explosion while Ava began to help get adults and children to safety. The group continued to run until they began to get closer and closer to where they saw the explosion.

Steve: We're almost there! Sub, you go up top on the buildings. Neos, you stay with me. Your abilities are a lot more suited for ground based attacks.

Neos: Aye aye, captain!

Sub: Ok, I'm gone!

Per Steve's request, Sub used his water to shoot him onto the roof of the nearest building as he began to run on the roofs ahead of him like a walkway. Meanwhile, Steve and Neos both continued to run on the ground until they finally reached the decimated land that was the result of the explosion they had seen from afar just a few minutes ago. As they saw it though, they also saw multiple corpses laying on the ground with a man standing in the middle of them all. The man had jet black hair, fairly pale skin, and red eyes. He was wearing what seemed to be a mask covering the lower half of his face with him wearing a black shirt and black pants with red going down the sides of them both. The three all stood from their separate angles in terror at what they were looking at, for they would've never imagined that this person was truly this cruel.

Neos: Holy shit... This guy might be worse than anyone we've faced yet...

Steve: We'll be alright... We can beat him. You just have to keep telling yourself that until you believe it.

Neos: Alright... I trust your judgement bro...

Steve: Ok, I'll go over to his right so we can get him from all angles. Sub's already in position, so once I get over there, we strike. Sound good?

Neos: Yeah, that sounds good to me.

As Steve began to make his way through the tiny alleys that surrounded the area the man was standing in, the man turned to face Steve's general direction, and while he couldn't see him, it's almost as if he knew exactly where he was.

Black Reaper: It's really impolite to stalk people, you know? You really shouldn't be here... In fact, none of you three should...

Steve and the others all froze in fear at the fact that he could sense that they were all around him. They were unsure for awhile about whether or not to remain hidden or attack, but they eventually decided that there was no point in hiding since he could tell that they were already there. The three exited their positions and began to slowly surround their opposition.

Steve: You're him, aren't you? The Black Reaper?

Black Reaper: Well, I suppose that is the name that people have given me, so yes, that's me...

Neos: Why'd you kill all these people?

Black Reaper: Isn't it obvious? They were fighting on the wrong side, and there was just no changing their minds... They were stepping stones and nothing more... Now, unless you have a three for one death wish, I suggest you begin to explain whose side it is that you're on...

Sub: Buddy, we're not on your side, I know that much!

Steve: Yeah, Sub's right. We'll never be on the side of someone who thinks killing people like this is ok.

Black Reaper: Why, I never said it was ok... I just said that if you're not willing to change sides, I don't care to do it... All the same though.. if you're on the other side.. then your sentence.. is death...

The Black Reaper jumped into the air as the Elementals each began to charge him. Sub quickly met him in mid air and attempted to punch him a few times, but he was unable to land a single hit with the black haired man dodging and blocking every strike. The Black Reaper would then grab Sub's wrist and throw him down into the ground just as they landed. Next, Neos and Steve both charged him at the same time with Neos attempting to kick as Steve threw a punch, but to their surprise, both were ceased by the man as he had simply held his arms up to thwart the idea of making any contact.

Neos: Wh-what the hell?

Steve: How did you-?

Black Reaper: Hehehehe... You're not even in my league...

With one motion, the Reaper threw up both of his arms which sent both Steve and Neos flying backwards, but Steve was able to catch himself just before he hit the ground. While Neos and Sub laid almost unconscious on the ground, Steve and the Black Reaper continued to stare each other down, but that didn't last long as Steve charged him immediately with anger slowly taking him over. Just as he had locked up with the black haired man, the man spoke.

Black Reaper: Ahhh, I get it now... You fight strictly on emotion... Hehe, no wonder you're so weak...

Steve: What did you say?! Destroy him! Use your power!

As Steve began to hear the voices in his mind once more, he pushed back the Black Reaper and charged up his fist with Delta energy, and with one final swing, he hit the Reaper full force in the side of the jaw. The power usage had tired Steve a bit, but what he soon realized sent shock throughout his entire body. His Delta power induced punch didn't even knock the Reaper onto a knee as he continued to stand there as if he had never been hit in the first place. Knowing that he had taken one of the best hits that Steve could dish out, he began to grin maniacally under his mask.

Black Reaper: Was that really the best that you could do? If it is.. then you never had a chance to begin with...

Steve: H-h-how did you not get hurt by that? No one's ever been able to resist a full force hit like that...

Black Reaper: It's as I said... You fight strictly on emotion, and because of that, you're weak... Don't worry, though... It'll all be over soon... I promise it...

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