Caught Off Guard

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As Sub and Neos continued to stare daggers through each other, they both began to contemplate what they believed the other would try to do.

Neos: He knows that he can't overpower me, so what does he hope to do? He's more than aware of my stamina, so he knows that dragging this out won't solve anything either... What could he possibly have up his sleeve?

Sub: Neos, you may seem like the perfect fighter, but everyone has a weak spot in their armor... I just have to find out what your's is, and while that may not be an easy task, I know I can do it...

As the two charged each other once more, Sub faked a lockup attempt only to slide down and use his shoulder to chop Neos' legs out from under him. As soon as Neos fell though, he quickly grabbed Sub's arm and wrapped it up in a double wrist lock but was unsuccessful in wrapping his legs around Sub's body which gave Sub the opportunity to turn around, thus switching the way in which his arm was bent. Once his arm was straightened back out, he immediately wrapped Neos in a rear naked choke as he was trying to get up which caused Neos to begin to panic slightly. Sub had managed to wrap his legs around the body of his friend, making it much harder for Neos to get out of the hold. Just as it seemed like Neos was beginning to fade, he managed to get ahold of Sub's hand that rested behind his head. He would then begin to slowly pull it to the front of his head, straightening Sub's arm out. Even with Sub's resistance, Neos managed to straighten his arm out completely and would begin to force his wrist backwards, causing Sub a lot of pain. Sub eventually released the hold due to the immense pain he was beginning to suffer in his wrist which gave Neos enough time to catch his breath and get back up and onto his feet. As Sub's getting up, Neos puts his foot on his already hurt wrist which caused Sub to wince out in pain.

Sub: I... I yield...

Neos: You fought well.. but I win this time...

Neos takes his foot off of Sub's wrist and offers his hand out. Sub gladly accepts with Neos helping him get back up.

Sub: I gotta admit, it really did seem like you had a plan for everything that I tried.

Neos: Hehe, don't take it too harshly buddy. After all, I've been a trained fighter since I was ten. If anything, I'm supposed to have a solution to everything that gets thrown at me.

Sub: Hehe, yeah, I suppose that's fair. Anyways, I believe it's you two up next.

Sub turns and points at Steve and Ava who are both sitting on one of the benches in the courtyard. Ava quickly jumped up in excitement, almost as if she was wanting to fight Steve.

Ava: You ready?

Steve: Heh... Yeah, let's go... I have to go easy on her, but she'll get mad if I do... Ugh, how is being a boyfriend harder than being a king?! I guess... I guess I'll just have to give her my all and hope that I don't hurt her too bad...

Ava: I'm grateful that you want to be the one to protect me so badly Steve, but I wanna show you that I can fend for myself as well.

Steve: Alright, here I come!

Steve charged Ava at about half speed, but Ava quickly took advantage of the rush, grabbing her boyfriend by the arm and throwing him over her shoulder. The throw sent shockwaves of astonishment through Steve as well as Sub, but Neos seemed as though he was expecting it to happen. Sub noticed that Neos didn't seem to be surprised in the slightest and was quick to question him about it.

Sub: Hey, Neos, if you don't mind me asking, is there something you know here that Steve and I don't?

Neos: Hehe... Yeah, I guess that's one way to look at it...

Sub: What do you mean by that?

Neos: Let's just say that she has a pretty knowledgeable teacher when it comes to fighting.

Neos looked at Sub and smirked after making the comment which gave Sub all the hints that he needed.

Sub: Wait a minute, you-

Neos: Mhm... That, I did.

Sub: Wow... Then, maybe Steve really is the one that's in trouble.

Steve was still laying on the ground in shock with Ava waiting for him to get up.

Ava: Come on, that can't be all you're able to handle. I may not be weak, but I'm not that strong.

Steve: Oh, believe me, I can take far worse than that.

As Steve is slowly making his way up off the ground, he begins to think to himself.

Steve: How did she do that? Heck, how did she even know to do that? Maybe I was wrong to underestimate what she could do...

Once Steve manages to completely stand, he looks at Ava with astonishment still painted on his face, but his shock eventually turns into a smile with Ava smiling back.

Steve: I gotta admit, I wasn't expecting something like that at all. You really know how to keep things interesting, that's for sure.

Ava: Well, what can I say? You see enough stuff and you end up picking some of it up.

Steve: That's true, but you should know that the same trick won't work on me twice.

Ava: Oh, believe me, I know. That's what I planned for.

Ava would then quickly charge at Steve which startled him a bit, for he didn't expect Ava to be aggressive towards him. He attempted to quickly jump out of the way, but was stopped by Ava, almost as if she had read his movements. She then quickly grabbed Steve by the arm and slung him over her shoulder once more. As Steve was on the ground, he began to realize that she truly seemed prepared for anything that he could use against her and came to the conclusion that he couldn't stop her.

Steve: Alright... I yield...

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