♧Chapter 4♧ (Lilly's POV)

Start from the beginning

"Gosh, you look like a stick, what do they feed you?" he said looking at me, completely forgetting about me going off in a daydream.

"We get two meals a day, if you could even call them that." I shrug like it was no big problem when it really was. You kind of get used to it but not entirely, I mean what other option did any of us have at this point. I mean you are getting starved, so how do you get used to that?

He frowns and pulls me into a tight hug while whispering, "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Petey." I say whispering and giving a small smile back.

"It has been eight years." he breathes.

"Eight long years." I add quietly.

"I am sorry I could not have come sooner." Peter smiles a little.

"You should have, it is terrible here."

"You will be safer once you leave" he smiled at me. I did not want to leave, is he going to kill me? I have not seen him in 8 years, maybe he knows and just wants to bring me to his 'Master' so he can become rich and be known as the person that saved the entire werewolf species from a killer. I could not trust him, even though he was my best friend. But things can change in 8 years, and guess what. They did.

"Peter, I have to get back to my chores so if you will excuse me?" I asked trying to leave.

"Of course would not want you to get into trouble" he reaches in for another hug.

"Until next time Lillian" he grins and walks out of the room leaving me to go finish my chores.

I reach my cell and grab my cleaning supplies and head back up to the top floor of the castle.

A great, mahogany brown door stands in front of me. I slowly turn the knob, and open the door.

"What do you want now?" a man's voice yells.

It smells weird in here, like lemons and peppermint.

"Hello Alpha King Sir, I was assigned to clean your room." I bow slightly.

"Stand up." he commands his tone serious.

"Do you smell that?" I asked looking around the room to locate the smell. I have never smelled this, it was new and quite frightening to me at the moment. I just wanted an answer as to what it was, and preferably soon.

I did not find anything so I turned back around and the Alpha King's eyes, I could not believe what I was seeing. Were my eyes deceiving me or was it real? His eyes, they were, they were as red as blood.

"Mine!" he yelled and took a step forward it was then I took a step back, worried that I was keeping him from his mate.

"Excuse me, I am sorry sir, I did not realize I was taking you away from you mate, forgive me Alpha." I said frightened.

I turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm and electricity flourished through my body like a shock of lightning and I gasped.

"Little mate." he growled.

"Alpha." I whispered, I did not know how to feel, I was happy over everything but I was also upset, that he would not want me in fear of what I was, or that he would use me for my power and not love me for who I am. So many thoughts were going through my brain, a mate? Not to mention the Alpha King of all werewolves. No this is not happening, he will not love me he cannot love me, I am half witch. I could never be good for this kingdom, nobody would ever respect me or accept me, this is not good, not good at all. 

"Your name little one?" he pulled my back so that I was now facing him and his arms around my waist.

"Lillian, sir." I whispered.

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