"No, it's okay now, I already talked to P'Louie" I talked to him about the details and also that if things goes right, I'll just stay here until the fanmeet

"P'Louie is really kind but I'm sad to know that you'll just stay here for 2 months, I thought we'll be together for a long time but I want you to be happy, what makes you happy will make us happy too."

"Now tell me about Namtan and P'Tay and be honest to me" he said sternly and I pouted at him but told him the truth, all of it.

"That's why you're avoiding us?" he asked and I nodded

"I'm kinda mad though that you also avoided me and Pluem"

"I-im sorry okay, it's just that I don't know what to do, I just thought it's the right thing to do" I said about to cry again, worried that I really made him mad

"Okay, okay. Don't cry na~ I was just joking" He said wiping my tears

"But, you avoiding them won't solve anything and this is not the Fluke that I know, the Fluke that I knew will do everything to make them see what he truly is, what is really true, to not give up"

"But, I'm scared that P'Tay will be mad at me more" I said sighing

"Hmm, P'Tay is a kind man Fluke, he was just brainwashed by Namtan, you should show him who you truly are, not just him but everyone who thinks you were different"

"Do you really think I can change it?"

"Ofcourse, you already started, when you brought snacks everyone liked you, I even heard some talking how funny and kind you are and also how clumsy you are hahaha but they said it is cute" he said teasing me and I pouted

"Haha, don't be mad now, we can help you and about Namtan, just let her be, just ignore her and she'll stop eventually, we will also help keep an eye on her. Maybe that's why I don't really like her from the start even Pluem"

"I'll ignore her, I just felt hurt because I treated her as a friend" I said, sad.

"You treat everyone as friends, it's because you are too nice" he said ruffling my hair
"I want you to get out of this building completely cleared out, I don't wanna taint your name, you are too pure in this world and Namtan spreading totally the opposite thing about you never sits right with me that's why we'll help you clear your name" he continued

"Thank you Fiat, I'm really greatful to have you, all of my friends behind me, supporting me" I said smiling to him totally greatful

"That's what friend should do and oh I forgot maybe that's why I received a message from Earth in your 1st 2 days here"

"Huh? Really? What did he say?"

"He said 'Please take care of Fuke and don't let Namtan the Bitch near him', I just read it yesterday, I missed it because it was covered with a lot of messages about work"

"Really? He said that? Hahaha Earth seriously" I laughed but greatful with what he sent to Fiat, he's really worried and cared about me.

" I think I get it now what your fans always says, he really seems your twin haha" He laughed along with me

I felt like the burden inside my chest was lifted after my talk with Fiat, I'm glad to have people around me that takes care of me, I hope to have them together beside me, always.


Author's Note !!

I don't know if Mild and Fiat are close or knows each other but in this story, they are closed, they met through Fluke and became bestfriends just like that😅 and also Earth and Fiat are friends here since they met in "The Harvest Season" (which is true, I don't know if this show is the first show they met each other but I will use this as a reference in the story) (a show from Studio Wabi Sabi =you can watch in their yt channel☺=) and then knew that Fluke is their mutual friend so they became friends also just like that again hehe

And oh, I did not include Pluem in this conversation because I really think Fiat and Fluke are the most closed with each other ( do not even know if Fluke and Pluem still contact or friends with each other), I really think the 2 of them Fiat and Fluke became really close friends even after Grean Fictions but maybe I might be wrong too. But still, Fiat will tell Pluem of what they talked about in this chapter, all of it and they'll help him onwards. Just wanted to clarify because someone might ask why Pluem is not included.

Sorry if the conversation with Namtan and Tay is a little lame, I don't know how to write a heavy or angst scene/confrontation. I really wanted it to be heavy and really emotional like a very heart aching scene in Fluke's side but this is what my power can only make, so very sorry.

Remember that this is a work of fiction, all the things written here are just a work of my imagination, except for some basic facts about the artists that the fans may already know.

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