After a long night they put the fire out. The Smokehouse was burnt to the ground. The only thing left was burnt wood and ashes.

"Any idea what happened?" Clarke asked Bellamy and Cassiopeia.

"Murphy says that Del kept feeding the fire." Del must've been the guy Murphy had pushed earlier. "Mostly because Octavia told him it was a bad idea."

"And we believe Murphy?" Clarke asked. Her question was specifically for Bellamy since she already knew what Cassiopeia would say.

"I do." Bellamy replied shocking Cassiopeia.

"Do we have any other food stored somewhere?" Cassiopeia asked her co-leaders.

"We have some wild onions and nuts in the drop ship. It's only enough to last us maybe one or two weeks. What's left here?"

"Nothing." Cassiopeia replied and picked up a pinch of ash.

"It all burned." Bellamy said.

"Then we have to hunt." Clarke said. "Anyone we can spare goes out."

She started walking away but Bellamy grabbed her hand and said "with the whole Grounder army out there?"

"Look, we can't defend ourselves if we're starving." The blonde explained.

"I agree with Clarke." Cassiopeia said. "But we gotta go now if we want to be back before nightfall."

"Each group take someone with a gun. But they're for killing Grounders, not food. We don't have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting. Get what you can be back by nightfall. No one stays out after dark." Bellamy told all the delinquents.

"Hey, Clarke." Cassiopeia caught her sister's attention. "Do you want to paid up together?" She asked.

"I'm already going with Myles and Finn but you can join if you want too." She offered.

"Okay, do you want to be the Gunner or should I do the honours?" Cassiopeia chuckled.

"You should." Clarke said as she handed the riffle to Cassy.

"Hey, Cassy, you joining the band too?" Myles asked. He had shaggy brown hair and he was already holding a spear.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Awesome. Haven't really got a chance to hang with you guys much." Do you even know how I got arrested on the Ark?" Myles asked excitedly.

"I'm dying to know." Finn said sarcastically and then they all set off for the woods.

After a while of walking Finn had found animal prints on the mud. "One of those scaly panther things?" Myles asked.

"No, boar." Finn replied dryly.

"Good, because that panther meat is nasty. But I could eat a whole boar be myself. No joke. You know what the best part is of a boar? It's gonna sound gross." Myles told the group that we're now following the tracks.

"Myles, quiet for a second." Clarke shushed him. "What is it?" She then asked Finn who looked at the tracks with a tilted head.

"These tracks..." He started saying.

"They're perfect." Clarke finished his sentence.

"Too perfect." Finn said and looked up at the trees.

"We're the ones being hunted." Cassiopeia said gripping her riffle tighter and looked up at the trees for Grounders.

Cassiopeia KaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora