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"Hey. How's Jasper?" Cassy asked as she climbed the ladder to the upper floor where Jasper was lying in pain.

"He'll live." She said tiredly. They were all tired...

"Um is this a good time to check up on me?" Cassy asked as she took a seat next to Jasper.

"Not at all, I'll just go get more water." Clarke responded and sped out of the Dropship to bring the stuff she needed. Jasper moaned in pain and many 'shut up' were heard from multiple people.

"What happened... when we left?" Monty asked Cassy as he looked at Jasper. It was unbearable to see his friend like that.

"He was hit with a spear, then the Grounders came and collected him and then they knocked me out. After that I don't know what happened but when I woke up I saw him hanging on the tree and the rest is history." The girl said as she remembered the events.

After a while Clarke returned with clean cloths and a flask of water in her hands. "Let's see what they did to you." She said as she settled the stuff near me.

She grabbed the clean water and wet it with water. She then carefully dabbed Cassiopeias wound in order to clean the dry blood. "This is unusual." The blonde said as she studied the cloth that was stained with black blood.

"Yeah about that..." Cassy said but trailed off, she had no idea why her blood was black and not red. "Why do I have black blood? Is there something wrong with me?" Cassy asked and grabbed Clarkes hands in hers.

"Do you feel okay? Do you feel lightheaded or anything else unusual?" Clarke asked as she continued to clean the injury.

"No. Not really." Cassy said as she thought hard on what Clarke said. "Do you think the Grounders poisons the knife?" She shared her theory.

"It is hard to tell but it is a possibility. I need you to tell me if you aren't feeling well though." The medic instructed and Cassy nodded.

"Do I need any stitches doc?" Cassy asked in an awkward way. It was the first time she was having a conversation with Clarke, normally she wouldn't because her father would lecture her, he kept saying that they will change my perspective on life and that type of crap.

"No you won't, just keep your injury away from anything that could cause an infection. We wouldn't want to risk it." Clarke said and got up to check up on Jasper because he was moaning again.

"I'm sorry." Cassy blurted out making the blonde look at her with a puzzled expression.

"What for?" She asked.

"For what my father did to yours. And for what I had said before the attack." Cassy said and Clarke looked down at the ground. "I totally get it if you hate me because of my father."

"I don't hate you. I don't judge people based off of their parents. And you don't have to apologise for your father... my mother even went against him." She said and then smiled at Cassy.

"Good to know." Cassy said and then Jasper moaned again. "I should get out of your shoes so you can focus on Jasper." She said and then saluted Clarke and went down the ladder.

Cassy some how found herself the next morning walking towards John and Bellamy. They were both aiming and throwing their weapons at a tree trunk. John threw his handmade knife to the tree but it fell miserably on the ground.

"It's that damn kid. He's messing with my head." John said as he tried to justify himself as Jasper let out another moan that echoed through the camp.

"Or maybe it's because you don't know how to aim." Cassy said as she snuck up behind Murphy and jumped on his back.

"Shit!" John said in a startled voice and both of them almost fell on the ground if Bellamy hadn't steadied them. "Hello stranger." John said when they were both okay and gave her a hug. "Bellamy this is Cassiopeia. Cassy this is Bellamy." He introduced.

Cassiopeia KaneWhere stories live. Discover now