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It's been two days since Cassiopeia blew up the bridge with Raven's bomb and the Grounders were nowhere to be found. With every passing minute the girl became anxious. She hadn't seen Bellamy all day because she was to busy keeping watch and she refused to take a brake, she was worried that they would attack anytime.

"Hello, sunshine." Bellamy said as he grabbed her hips and brought her into a kiss.

"Bell, not now. Everyone's watching." Cassiopeia giggled and tried to get away from Bellamy that on,y held her tighter.

"Who cares? I feel like I haven't seen you in days." His smile dropped to a frown.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I'm worried about the Grounders." Cassy sighed and held her riffle tighter.

"How about you leave someone else keep watch and we can go for a little walk." He said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Cassiopeia thought of the idea and then replied "no, I don't want people saying that I'm just like my father. That I only lead and do nothing else."

"Cassiopeia Kane, you are nothing like your father and everyone knows that." Bellamy said and then kissed her.

"Still, I like keeping watch." The girl lied. She hated it but she thought that it was better if she did it than someone else. Plus her co-leaders also did helpful stuff, like Clarke she was their doctor and Bellamy made sure everything was okay.

"Have you talked to Octavia?" Cassy asked nervously. Last time she was with Bellamy's little sister she was planning on fleeing with Lincoln beyond the sea.

"No, is something wrong?" He asked concerned.

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"Before I came to talk to you. Is everything alright, you're worrying me." The boy said.

"Everything's fine. There is nothing to worry about." Cassy replied. Octavia still being here must mean she didn't want to go with Lincoln. "I'm gonna go talk to my dad, to check up on him. Do you mind covering for me until I get back?" Cassy asked.

"Cassy, wait." Bellamy grabbed her by her wrist. "There is something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" The girl asked uneasily. Bellamy hesitated but the look on his face gave it all away. "They're dead aren't they?"

"We don't know for sure." He tried explaining but Cassiopeia tuned out his voice. The only thing she could think of her last conversation with him. She was yelling at him to tell her who her mother was and then when he did she left.

Cassiopeia wiped a few tears that had escaped her eyes and said "it was better for them." And then she returned to her watch. Bellamy wanted to talk to her but seeing her empty face told her it wasn't the right time.

Later that morning Cassiopeia snapped out of her grieving phase when she heard a bunch of delinquents yelling. She ran at the source and there she saw the Smokehouse (where they stored their meat and food) on fire.

"This is all your fault." Murphy pushed a guy. "We told you it was to much wood."

"Get the hell away from me." The guy said as he fought back.

"Murphy stop it." Cassiopeia yelled, she then handed her riffle to Octavia that was crouched down next to her and went to break up the fight with Bellamy by her side.

When Murphy and the guy stopped fighting Octavia asked "Bell, what the hell are we gonna do? That was all of our food."

"First let put the fire out." Clarke said and then they all got to work.

Cassiopeia KaneWhere stories live. Discover now