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"Octavia?" Bellamy asked as he went from tent to tent hoping his sister would be there.

"You're up." Bellamy said when he saw Clarke sitting.

"Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep." Clarke responded.

"Raven's flares will work." Bellamy reassured Clarke.

"Her radio would've worked so much better." The blonde responded.

"Have you seen Octavia?" Bellamy asked her, changing the previous conversation.

"No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies." Clarke responded.

"Clarke I've checked the camp. She's not here." Bellamy cut her off.

"Okay I'll help you find her. I'm going to go wake Cassy up, see if she would like to help." Clarke said and then she left Bellamy.

"Hey Cassy get up." Clarke said as she got in the girl's tent but she stopped talking when she realised that she wasn't there. Clarke felt Cassy's bed to check if it was still warm but unfortunately it wasn't.

"Bellamy. Cassy isn't in her tent. Have you seen her?" Clarke asked Bellamy.

"Not since last night. What about you?" He asked.

"Not since this morning." Clarke said in a worried tone. "She was with us when we found Raven but after we had splitter up to find you I haven't seen her anywhere."

"Search all the tents and I'll look at the drop ship." Bellamy ordered.

Cassy groaned, her head throbbed. Her eyes opened with difficulty and it was really hard for her to make out where she was. After what felt like hours, her eyes finally adjusted.

She was in a cave, her hand was tied to the wall and Octavia was next to her unconscious. Cassy tried to break the chain over her hand but it was to no use. She then tried to take it off her hand like a bracelet but it only created scratches that made her bleed.

"Octavia?" Cassiopeia asked. Octavia groaned as she took a sitting position.

"Cassy?" The girl asked and Cassiopeia grabbed Octavia's hand.

"Don't worry. I'll get us out of here somehow." Cassy reassured the girl. Hearing that was like music to Octavia's ears.

Cassy tried to get up but her legs couldn't support her weight and her ankle was swollen making her fall and scowl in pain. The girl's noise had been heard and the Grounder that Octavia had seen earlier walked in the little room.

"Please. Please don't hurt us." Octavia pleaded as the man walked towards both of them with a sword in his hand.

When the guy passed Octavia she stopped her pleading and stared at the Grounder crouching in front of Cassiopeia.

"Let her go." Cassy ordered with a shaky voice. The Grounder brought the point of his sword that was blazing hot and connected it with Cassy's wound. The pain hit the girl like a truck and she tried to move her head away but the man was holding it still.

Cassy could here Octavia screaming in the background to let Cassiopeia go but the Grounder didn't listen to her, then Cassy passed out from the pain.

"Hey everybody. Gather around and grab a weapon." Bellamy instructed the criminals. When Clarke and he realised that Cassy and his sister where missing they quickly woke the rest of the camp in order to search for them.

"My sister and Cassy have been out there alone for twelve hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without them." One by one the crowd grabbed one of the various weapons and waited for Bellamy.

Cassiopeia KaneWhere stories live. Discover now