The first thing he calls him is "Doc wu-wu!" while walking up to him which is enough to get you to walk away, by now you've figured this is just normal Dave behaviour. As you look around the lab you see Sammy pick up a preserved mosquito and walk up to her nervously to view it alongside her.

Dr.Wu walks up with Roxie following, he looks back at her as they walk into hearing range you hear him say "im sorry, but Mr. Masrani has accelerated the timetable for our newest exhibit yet again" he takes the mosquito from Sammy's hands and she gasps, you both look up at him as he continues talking to Roxie "I simply don't have time to spend the afternoon babysitting children."

You and Sammy exchange glances before wandering off as does Dr.Wu from Roxie. You continue to wander around the lab looking at a few different things. You stray away from Sammy walking up to ' one of the incubators. You turn around to see Brooklynn filming Dr.Wu and walk nearer to them.

Sammy walks up to a Dinosaur eye  "woah! eyeball, ooh" She says cutting off Dr.Wu's interview, Brooklynn points her phone to Ben when he shudders at the sight of it disgustedly, she points the camera your way as you walk up to the woman poking the eyeball "so do you dissect from a naturally deceased one orr..-" you ask.

Sammy puts her hand on a screen wall and you direct your attention to her when she asks "Dr.Wu, what's this?"  "Tree frog DNA. Unfortunately I-" Dr.Wu begins to answer before Sammy cuts him off with a gasp "what's that?" she asks as bones are wheeled past her on a cart  "Siberian mammoth remains, extracted for-" he is cut off Again by Sammy leaning against a tinted window "Ooh! what's down that hall?" Dr.Wu walks up putting a hand on the glass "My private office, it's restricted."

You turn away from the still eye poking woman who never answered your question about the Dino eye and look around the lab
then you hear Dave say "You guys, look" You all look over at Dave as he nears the incubator leaning next to an egg with slight movement "Oh, i think one of these eggs is about to hatch" Dave whispers and you all begin to crowd around the incubator. "That's not possible" Dr.Wu says turning away from the glass.

You stand between Ben and Brooklynn around the incubator. The egg begins to  crack "is that a tail?" Yasmina whispers as a part of the shell breaks off, apparently it was because it falls out out and with it amniotic fluid that flies onto Ben who begins to freak out wiping it off his shirt "Oh! ew, ew, ew!" he whines. Brooklynn takes a picture of Ben's reaction and you too turn to him before looking back at the egg

or the now little mostly hatched Ankylosaurus with half the shell covering its head. The little Dino looks around and tries to shake the shell off its head causing it to fall back almost rolling off the table, Ben stops freaking out to catch the baby before it falls. As Ben sets the Dino back on the table he keeps it in his hand and hesitantly goes to pull the shell off of its head, it opens its eyes and squeals at Ben who chuckles "Aw"
'A h she is so cute!'

"Sweet" Brooklynn says continuing to record the whole event "One of its head bumps are bigger than the other" she points out as Ben begins to coo over the Dino, Dr.Wu hearing Brooklynn's statement walks over "Asymmetry? In my lab?" he looks over your shoulders at the little Dino and Ben picks her up ",she's so...tiny" he says softly, you smile down at her as Brooklynn hovers her phone over her, Roxie looks down at her then back at Dr.Wu "but she won't stay tiny for long, right?" she asks him

"That's the idea" He replies leaning down to look at her and Brooklynn backs up to make room for him. "All the dinosaurs go through an accelerated growth cycle. They're supposed to incubate for 13 weeks with no noticeable defects, but apparently this one slipped through." Dr.Wu explains which isn't quite 'to your interest' you give him a dirty look without even thinking, he just stands up and straightens his coat walking off.

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