The Wedding

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"Is he going to be there Jimin", I ask afraid of the answer. "Of course he is Jin, he is my brother and my best man, how could he not be", he says smacking my arm. "Then maybe I shouldn't go", I say sadly. "You are my best friend and Namjoon's best man, how can you not, seriously Seokjin", he says getting annoyed with me. Tears fall from my eyes, "Oh Jinnie, I'm sorry, I'm only thinking of myself here, forgetting that my brother is a huge asshole", he says hugging me, "are you bringing anyone." "Jungkook said he would be my date, so at least I wont be alone, when is Yoongi and Hobi coming", I ask. "They said Friday hopefully, and wait till we see their dates, that we will be jealous", Jimin laughs. I roll my eyes, for about 2 weeks I pretended to be Yoongi's boyfriend so that he could date some girl, for some reason he thought she would be jealous of me and decide that she really likes Yoongi, but boy did that backfire.

A few weeks later Jimin's brother Taehyung came back into town and we hit off right away, we started seeing each other, we went on a few dates and he even told Jimin that he was going to make it official and ask me to be his boyfriend. Then one night he was at my house for dinner with Jimin and Namjoon, I was in the kitchen cooking and when I told them dinner was ready Taehyung was no where around, Namjoon looked outside and his car was gone. Jimin and I texted and called him all night but he ignored both of us, I dont know what happened but I haven't spoken to him since, Jimin said he left town again. That was 2 months ago, now Jimin's wedding is this weekend and I know he will be there, and I cant leave my best friend without a best man. My other best friend Jungkook said he would be my support system at the wedding and make sure that I keep it together, because when I see him I am afraid of what I will do.


I am packed and ready to go to the airport, "you ready to go baby, I am all packed", my girlfriend said. I roll my eyes, I dont even know why I asked her to come, maybe because I know Jin will be there with Yoongi and it will kill me, at least with her by my side I should be able to make it thru the night. "Call the UBER I'm ready to go", I say grabbing my suitcase. I feel bad I haven't really spoke to Jimin since I walked out that night, I've texted, but when he asks me what happened, I stop answering him. We arrive at the airport and wait for our flight to Korea to be announced, my heart is racing thinking of seeing him again, I miss him so much, but he broke my heart and he broke my trust, he should have just told me that he was still in love with Yoongi instead of playing me for a fool.

The flight isn't long, we should arrive before midnight, tomorrow is the rehearsal dinner and that will be my first encounter with him, he is Namjoon's best man and I am Jimin's, I am ready for him to approach me and ask what happened, and he has every right. The way I left wasn't cool, I loved him enough I should have talked to him, but I was hurt so I ran before he could lie to me or break up with me, I broke it off first. We got to the hotel and checked in, "I'm going to shower, Ill be right out, you can sleep dont wait up for me", I say. "I want to shower with you", she pouts. Her pout has nothing on his, she's ridiculous, "no, I dont feel like it tonight, sorry", I turn and shut the bathroom door and lock it. By the time I got out she was asleep, so I grabbed a blanket and laid on the couch, I couldn't sleep thinking I am back in the same city as him, and my heart wont slow down.

The next night we met Jimin and Namjoon at their house for drinks before dinner, they wanted to meet my girlfriend, I wasn't sure if Jin would be there but Jimin saw my nervousness when I walked in. "He's not here, relax", he pulled me into a hug then pulled back and smacked the shit out of me, he then pulled me into the kitchen by my ear. "Kim Taehyung, what the fuck are you thinking, not only did you break my friends heart by disappearing into thin air, but then you bring a date, a girl non the less, to my wedding", Jimin scolds me. I have no excuse, I look down and shrug. "Unbelievable Taehyung, you had a great guy and you blew it", he says. "I BLEW IT, HE BLEW IT, he is the one that cheated on me", I yell and storm out of the house, slamming the door behind me. I didn't know where I was going, I left my stupid girlfriend with my brother, I dont care, she shouldn't even be here.

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