Half-Truths and Lies

Start from the beginning

"They died in a car crash. "
The table went completely silent, the sadness and shock heavy in the air while Jimin burned with rage. How dare he? Make up such a lie to get their sympathy. But he knew his friends- knew that they were kind and selfless and what Seong-Min had said would ensure them agreeing. 

He couldn't do anything but put on a sympathetic expression as well and say what everyone expected from him.
"I'm so sorry, Hyun-Sik. I had no idea. They were lovely people." 
Lie. His parents were massive assholes. Classic snobs who cared about nothing but money and reputation. 

Seong-Min, portraying the perfect picture of a grieving son, smiled sadly and nodded. 
"Thank, Jimmy. I appreciate that." Then he cleared his throat, pretending to sort his emotions before he spoke again. "Sorry, didn't want to make this such a sad topic. I just wanted to let you know I would really like company. Nothing better than a house full of laughing people on a family Holiday, trust me. But no pressure. You don't have to come. Like I said, it's only an offer in case you can't find a hotel."

Another moment of silence and of all people, it had to be Jungkook to agree. 
"Actually, I think we would all love to go to the sea. And Jimin would have some time to catch up with you. Wouldn't you like that?"
It couldn't get worse. But he was too deep in it. No going back now. He had to play along or risk Jungkook trying to kill Seong-Min and having to deal with the consequences. 
"Yeah, that would be great." 

Jungkook smiled, unaware of the panic and utter despair taking a hold of his heart. 
"Awesome,"  Seong-Min let out, nodding happily. "What a freaky coincidence, can you believe it? I literally just stopped here because I was hungry. Who'd knew I'd meet Jimin again and all of you? And now this- wow. This is awesome!" 

Coincidence his ass! This was planned. For how long, Jimin had no idea, but he knew he was hopelessly trapped. It wasn't fair. None of it. What had he done to deserve this? Just because he'd finally been happy? 

They all continued to happily chat about his place, what they could do and who would bring what as Jimin fell deeper and deeper into a hole, listening to their growing excitement. Not even Jungkook's hug helped. 

He couldn't sit there one moment longer and watch this monster wriggle his way into their hearts. 
"I- I should go and start cleaning up," he said, maybe a little too quickly, slipping out of Jungkook's embrace and rising to his feet. 
"But it's an hour till your shift ends, ChimChim," Tae pouted. And if even Tae's pout could not lift his spirits, he knew he was in some deep shit. 
Still, he forced a smile on his face. 
"Yeah, I know, but there is stuff left over from yesterday and I have to plan the order for next week as well. You go on planning. I will love it either way." 
He would hate it, no matter what fun they planned. 

The lies just piled up and by the way Seong-Min smiled up at him, he knew it wasn't over. Was far from over. 
"Okay, yell if you need some help, okay?" Hoseok only shouted and already fell back into the preparations. 

Jungkook frowned slightly as he eyed Jimin carefully so he did the only thing he could to prevent the younger to grow suspicious. He leaned down and kissed him before forcing himself to walk away slowly, leaving them with the monster at their table. 


"You sure you're okay, baby?" Jungkook asked as he drove them to school. 
He wasn't. He hadn't been able to find a second of sleep, Seong-Min's face keeping him wide awake. The way he had waved and said goodbye, hugged him and then lowly whispered into his ear: "Better not do anything stupid, little Jimmy or Jungkook's gonna pay for it," and then left. 

Not even the make up he had lend from Misses Yang was able to hide the dark shadow under his eyes or the puffiness from crying. All it had achieved was to make the older woman very, very suspicious. 

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